tame the Chinese dragon
western media never seems to frame stuff about white European countries with animal mascots. imagine a headline “Why Britain struggles to tame the French cock”
“Why Britain struggles to tame the French cock”
I have just learned through a google search that the national animal of the UK is a lion. I will not repeat the joke that made me giggle for five minutes.
How can it be a lion if they hadn’t existed in Britain specifically for tens of thousands of years before Britain was a thing. Which Englishman decided the lion would be it? A medieval king?
I mean, Scotland’s is a unicorn and Wales’ is a dragon so…
A unicorn? You’d think the scots would have something different
Traditionally, unicorns were aggressive and murderous wild animals
I would assume so
The UK doesn’t have a national animal, but each of the constituent countries do. A lion, dragon, unicorn and elk for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland respectively.
I see, thank you for the correction
Ireland is not a part of the UK…
Northern Ireland is, and I did not feel the need to specify which part since the republic of Ireland is not a part of the UK, I felt it would be obvious which bit I was talking about.
i encourage you to choose your words more carefully. also, so-called northern Ireland isn’t a real country and “the occupied north of Ireland” is more appropriate.
the UK’s relationship with China has always been complicated
that’s one way to gloss over the Opium Wars, I suppose
This is from last year when the UK lost its mind pretending China gave enough of a shit about Britain to “meddle” in its elections, but the point is still relevant. The quote below is from an interview with Victor Gao, former English translator for Deng Xiaoping who now runs a think tank in China.
First of all, between China and Britain, from the Chinese perspective, Britain is not a rival, it is not competitor, it is not an enemy, it is not an adversary. Britain is just an important country to get along with in peace and in friendship, and for mutual benefit. I think it would be completely misguided for Britain to view China as an enemy or adversary, or competitor.
What do China and Britain compete with? China is the largest manufacturer of automobiles, competing with Britain? No. China is the largest exporter of EV [electrical vehicle] cars, and will lead the whole world in EV production. Is Britain a competitor? No. China will be the biggest and most important producer and R&D in terms of semi-conductor in no time. Does that mean China competes with Britain? No. China will be the leading nation in AI revolution. Is Britain a competitor? No.
So I think British government should not overestimate its impact on the global scene and view China as a rival. China is a fact, China is a mega-trend, for Britain to live with and get along with. Let’s make peace, rather than agitate for war.
Source: https://youtu.be/cLEup9RaR3I?t=26 and https://youtu.be/qRlLVw2u14s?t=694
So I think British government should not overestimate its impact on the global scene
🗣️ 🔥
one of my favorite interviews of all time
Just straight up “how can we be enemies if you’re such a loser?”
Deng Xiaoping who now runs a think tank in China.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
tame the Chinese dragon
White Man’s Burden never ended
Way too much talk about taming the Chinese dragon and not nearly enough talk about slaying the western leviathan
It’s the Western Kkkrakkken
95% of this article is “we need to have a balanced approach to china” without detailing what that means except for some vague platitudes that British politicians can continue being hawkish on china while still somehow increasing trade. Basically summarised by the second last paragraph.
It should at least be possible to take both a “very strong, robust, even aggressive” approach to national security and espionage while also maintaining trade ties, argues the Tory MP. “China would probably respect us more if we better protected ourselves,” he adds.
And there is of course tthis garbage about “respect”.
China would probably respect us more if we better protected ourselves,” he adds.
Telegraph writers have never even had an appetizer from Andre’s Steakhouse and do not understand the economy of respect
Jesus fucking christ 1910s ass headline, these gooners are the ones who need taming
Why won’t these bloody orientals lay down and let us enslave them!
England spent like 300 years trying to tame the Welsh dragon and Wales is like the size of a large dog or a small bear.
China is too big for a bear or dog based counting system.
Please….I just want the left to have its own big gamergate moment. From IRL to almost every other site I’m tired of biting my tongue. I’m tired of the dumbest people always having every word they utter treated like gospel because they slather it in 4chan brainrot that stopped being funny almost a decade ago.
I’m a goddamn communist and I care more about America than it’s so-called “patriots” who keep running it into the ground thanks to their paranoia, and the henpecked liberals that would rather be let into the reactionary’s in-crowd than do the right thing….and end up STILL never getting accepted by the right.
Title made me think Taiwan but yeah this works too
Taiwan is in a defensive posture
The king needs to give a Derring-do Speech and then it’ll be all sorted.