Just playing Prophesy of Pendor for the first time and it’s pretty fun! Never modded it before, what are the good ones?
I first heard about mount and blade when I saw there was the beginnings of a Darklands mod (which is still an incredible idea even though they didn’t end up making it) so I’m particularly interested in mods that focus on small parties and roleplaying, but I would check out anything!
Floris modpack is neat, lots of addons to vanilla and overhauled unit trees. Brytenwalda is also very good, pre viking age british isles.
As for small party mods, dunno. Been I while since I played it.
Warsword Conquest is a total conversion mod that’s set in the world for Warhammer Fantasy. You can make characters for a variety of different races and most factions are in the game. Not too long ago they rolled out a magic system, so now you can shoot fireballs or summon bears. The most recent update was in November 2024 where they updated Khorne.
It’s impressive they’re still working on it constantly, either fixing bugs or adding features. It’s even more impressive they’re working within the restrictions of a 17-year-old game engine that wasn’t meant to have fantasy elements.
My favorite is always Calradia Imperial Age, which keeps the vanilla map but makes the setting into a Napoleonic era game. Better than Fire And Sword (though I like that DLC too), without being as over the top large as L’aigle (same idea but the full European map instead of just Calradia)
Floris is a must for vanilla+ style
Any of the big name total conversions are good fun. Others have called out Gekokujo and Warsword Conquest, so I guess I’ll plug the two Game of Thrones mods, Clash of Kings and World of Ice and Fire. I forget which one I actually played a long campaign in, but IIRC they’re both enjoyable.
The Red Wars was one that tried to update the game to a WWII ish setting and it was fun but, as expected, incredibly janky. nova aetas was another one that was an era-update mod like that one put it in a sort of early modern/renaissance era, with colonization, religion, building, and other new features, i think their reach exceeded their grasp but it was fun and interesting. haven’t played warband in quite a while now, maybe i ought to give it a go again