Lmao trump is gonna let him go soon then Elon is gonna try to have a “radical lefty” arc that fails miserably, but will be hilarious to watch from the outside
Elon is gonna try to have a “radical lefty” arc that fails miserably
You mean like this one? Or this one?
Evergreen image
Apartheid Clyde is such a fucking idiot I wouldn’t be surprised if he meant this in earnest
i find it easier to believe he did mean it
Doubt it. He’ll just claim something ridiculous about Trump, if it does happen.
mr musk, welcome to the resistance?
I might be totally off, but I don’t think Trump can get rid of Musk so easily. Unlike the other people he’s fired, he has alot of financial debt to Musk.
They might not get along, but ultimately they will present a united front. The alternative I see is Musk fucks off to Germany or Britain to cozy with right wing parties there, though Europe is kind of fucked economically so that’s probably unlikely
Yeah it comes down to Trump’s increasing grip on state power (which could go any direction, from placing loyalists into a gutted executive or collapsing it all) vs. Elon’s wealth and MIC and media connections.
Technically trump could leverage state power to do anything to Elon but it will of course piss off the bourgeois. So this may just be a “kept at arms legnth” for months or maybe a year before one of them starts mouthing off publically. More likely Elon. But it really comes down to brainrotted senile brain vs drugrotted impulse brain i think. may the best
I think Musk has made enough of an ass of himself on an interpersonal level that the other top capitalists don’t like him and would be okay with the state crushing him, as long as it was for petty individual reasons instead of a political philosophy that threatens them.
I guess he’s popular with the sort of smaller capitalists who own boat dealerships. I don’t know how much power they have though.
There’s also another component of Musk where he represents the capitalist mythos of the “great man” who rises to the top by his own merit, thus proving capitalism really is meritocratic and fair. Even though it seems that the mythos is dead due to just… well observing Musk making an idiot of himself everyday, to alot of non-online people it is still there. Heck, I even remember seeing some recent interview with Mark Cuban, who is by no means pro Musk and doing this interview to promote Harris, praise Musk’s ingenuity. I think capitalists value the mythos represented by Musk, even if they dont believe it or dont personally like Musk.
I wouldn’t underestimate the capitalists class to express solidarity.
I wonder if they could forget about that solidarity if they were offered Elon’s companies? Like a deal where his companies are nationalized and redistributed to more “worthy” successors. Might be too mouth watering for them to care, including thinking they might be next.
But still this would be China levels of the state asserting itself over the bourgeois which means it would never be done. It goes against the entirely overarching ideology and would instantly cause complete and total capital flight (good for us obvs but bad for them).
Let that sink in
Lmao, not even the worst ghouls in existence can stand listening to him.
I didn’t realize he was actually physically in the white house
Damn, didn’t think it would go south this fast lmao
It was inevitable, so might as well get it over with lol
There is not a single shred of dignity anywhere in this entire sordid system. It’s just the “Ice cop hat fuck show” meltdown all the way down
Musk we’re going to need you to move downstairs to storage B.
I…thought I was going to be coźpresident…they said I could be president and not be elected…Thiel said I’d be in the west wing,
“Okay, but - I’ll set the country on fire.”
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Damn, he was such a wet boy then.
“Stop out-nazing me!”
Office Space Ex-
His chief of staff is MegaKaren?
She won’t just speak to the manager, she’ll speak to the highest manager: the president!
Hope they all work things out.
Already? Lol, lmao