shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]


  • 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2020

  • I know they’re never likely picking up the franchise again, but I think they should totally ditch 2 and 3 if they ever return to it, or at least not make Isaac the focus of either. His story arc played out in DS1 and one of the cool things about DS is all the world building they did - there’s more stories to explore outside of Isaac’s and he would work better as a cameo/background character after DS1 where maybe we can see him recovering/taking certain actions from a distance. Like most things EA has touched, there’s so many missed opportunities with the DS story and it really sucks that they’re not gonna take any of them.

  • More criticism, indie game edition

    OneShot: having a hard time thinking of criticism for this one, maybe the music could have been improved in some parts but I generally like the soundtrack. I think this game’s gimmick is something I’m a sucker for, but not everyone finds it appealing or engaging as I’ve experienced with people I’ve tried to share the game with.

    Hyper Light Drifter: Also hard to criticize, but I am ambivalent towards the lack of dialogue or solid explanation of what is happening in the world. A lot of lore explanations stipulate that what they’re saying is sort of up to interpretation because lore just happens through pictures (ignoring some of the coded sections, which I’m not fond of either). I’m still lost as to what happens to “drifters” that leads to their demise. Some of the pacing is also off in the game, namely the crystal forest/west section (I think). I’m also not a fan of the artistic direction of the sequel, but that’s another game.

    Katana zero: Amazing concept, but the ending is unsatisfying and leaves too much unexplained. (not sure if we’re getting a sequel or not). Also makes no sense how Headhunter is killable even though she’s also NULL, but you’re not. Maybe I misunderstood something. Also don’t really like the vehicle chase/helicopter fight level, doesn’t feel like it fits with the rest of the game.

    Undertale: Chara’s motivations don’t make sense


  • Xcom 2 shouldn’t be so demanding of my video card and it gets worse as the campaign goes on. Not a big fan of the chosen either, especially with the long war mod - they’re either unfairly overpowered and unfun or just a bullet sponge and unfun and neither the mod nor vanilla can hit the right balance to make them fun. Also not particularly fond of the story, but that’s kind of secondary to what actually makes the game fun.

    The first Dead Space was magical (the remake is also really good) and then everything afterwards falls off hard. Dead Space 2 is still worth playing I guess, but it’s not the same - the way the markers effects manifest as hallucinations and psychological conditions makes more sense and works better in the first game, but in the second one, idk, the final boss fight just feels like an overdramticization of mental illness (literally going into your own head and having a gun fight with your hallucinations? Idk just feels gaudy compared to DS1’s reveal). The only thing that makes DS2 strong is how it expands on the theme of religions mimicking cults and causing damage to society and people’s psyche, something that was mostly junt hinted at in the original DS1.

    All that to say everything that comes after DS1 makes it feel worse in retrospect and I really wish they’d finish the story in a more satisfying way. The only other criticism I’d offer is that DS doesn’t need so many weapons and, in fact, it both makes the game harder and removes tension if you carry more than one. Multiple types of weapons work best in games where each weapon fills a role or purpose that the others can’t (this is accomplished with stasis and telekenesis, the other weapons have nothing else to do besides do damage) and it might actually create MORE tension in the game if you’re only offered the plasma cutter to fight with and nothing else.

  • Dems, you mean the ones that were willing to throw immigrants in the trash and give Republicans everything they wanted wrt the border so they could fund a war directly leading to ww3? The ones also willing to throw as much money as possible and ignore the most popular position in their own constituency (permanent ceasefire) to allow Israel to keep killing Palestinians? The ones that intentionally barred Palestinians from speaking at their conventions? The ones that immediately turned to blaming Muslims, Mexican immigrants, and black people when they lost the election? OH YEAH THEY DEFINITELY TRY FUCKING MORON