If one of Obama’s friends would’ve done a nazi salute behind the presidential seal, the Republicans would’ve lynched Obama on the lawn of the white house
Honestly, the current situation is beyond double standards. The Republicans have free reign to more or less break any of their own rules and suffer almost no consequences. Meanwhile, literally anything a Democrat does is spun into multiple mutually exclusive conspiracy theories that their base and the media somehow manage to spout simultaneously.
Not to mention leftists will latch onto it too and repeat the lie everywhere yet swear up and down that they voted for the Democrat even though they shit on them any time they open their mouth.
lol, get lost troll
Sorry can’t hear you over the sound of you being blocked.
It’s the ceremony organizers’ fault for neglecting to bring a bible small enough to put his hand on.
Well you’re conveniently forgetting that Obama had the fucking audacity to
eat dijon mustardwear a tan suitbe black.And tan suit which is an anagram for satanic (well, almost…)
It is absolutely not a requirement to swear an oath on a bible, or even to have a bible nearby.
It just happens to be a longstanding custom in the USA. Many politicians take the oath on a bible just for the optics. DT, of all people, is all about optics. Dude probably wasn’t paying any attention, and surely winging his swearing given the last minute changes.
In any case, shouldn’t everyone be applauding a president for refusing to touch a bible, tacitly denouncing religious contexts near government?
Except when Trump was asked what his favorite book of all time was, can you guess what he answered?
That’s right. He said The Bible was his favorite book. You do understand the difference between actually believing in something, or just being a hypocrite and a con-man, right?
It’s not about whether it’s a requirement or not. It’s about a con artist revealing the con, and watching people like you handwave it away.
Yeah aside from the whole using the Jesus vote to win thing.
I thought he won because the handling of the day to day economics of the average citizen was in shambles, but yeah, clearly magic sky man holds more weight
Not to be annoying but it is in fact your business
Whoever succeeds trump, (assuming that happens, and it’s not Vance), should do the same thing, so we can maybe get rid of that dumbass tradition.
Big Antichrist vibes. Would it have burned his hand? I guess will never know.
christiansupremacyHell, even the racism and fake Christianity are just bones they toss to the base while doing their real business.