Also, the first class tickets for the train were totally worth it.
Still remember your post months ago asking for advice for moving. I’m happy it worked out for you and your family squid! Hope you guys can settle down soon (I’m sure there’s tons of paper work and other bullshit) and relax!
Hasn’t quite worked out yet. I still need to find a job (but I have interviews lined up) We came over a little early because we were worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US. We might never get out otherwise.
good to see you didn’t wait to find out, the Berlin wall went up overnight after all.
You’ve done right by your daughter. Good luck on the job search!
Wish I could help, but I’m not in UK. Nevertheless, I believe in you and keeping my fingers crossed that you find a job quickly.
I am optimistic. Thanks.
worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US
The logic is sound. Flights will be snapped up like pandemic loo roll.
Wait, wait, wait, you can not be pulling this shit!
Are you a flying squid or not?
I keep telling people, we can only fly 30 meters at a time.
Plus, Wonder Woman can fly and she has an invisible jet.
Best start writing metres if you want to survive in the UK. People have been mercilessly dunked into the Thames for less!
At first I read 30 minutes at a time, and was gonna give you crap for not leapfrogging across the pond. It’s not that big. The one next to me is bigger :P
I’m impressed she’s sleeping. I can’t sleep on airplanes no matter what I take.
(the pic in OP is a train)
Ahhh good! That means they’ve landed, and I understand their exhaustion. :)
I’m impressed, I can’t fly 30 meters over multiple times.
He’s been saying he’d do it.
Squid, proud of you. I did the same but that was 2 years ago
Thank you, but I also think they were joking.
Many would be curious about the path to emigration you took. Have you shared about this anywhere?
I have, but I don’t mind sharing again. Basically, an accident of birth.
I wish I had better news for others.
I’m in the same boat as you already have my citizenship and flying over in October to scope out a few cities and meet up with family and work out paperwork to transfer my job since I’m full time remote and so is my wife.
Good luck!
Thanks you too I very much look forward to hearing about your adventures.
There’s a lot of places in Europe that have an ‘accident of birth’ path to citizenship (jus sanguinis vs jus soli). Here’s the ones I found:
- If you’re of Jewish ancestry and your family fled due to the Holocaust, there’s a number of European countries that will return your citizenship. Unfortunately my mom’s family is Russian Jews.
- Ireland, if one of your grandparents was a citizen. This applies to my father, but not to me
- Luxembourg (where I proceed to dox myself, lol) if you’ve got a direct line male lineage back to Luxembourg between 1850 and 1947 (or male until a female born after 1970-something, Google Luxembourg article 7 citizenship). This actually does apply to me and I know more about it, but I’ve barely started the process because uprooting my life to flee somewhere safer again is a truly miserable prospect, and the choice of agencies are either a non-profit that I can afford and maybe have some money left over to relocate but they’re slower and they don’t seem keen to deal with my document mismatch due to being trans and from Florida, or a much faster, more trans friendly and expensive business.
Even though you are a relative stranger on the internet its really inspiring to see you do this.
Hey, no crabs are allowed to leave this bucket!
Welcome! You must be hungry after the long trip. Here’s a plate of beige, enjoy!
Good luck, mate.
Glad you got out.
Good luck to you and your family, Squid. You took action!
America is a shithole. I got out in '17 and my quality of life has improved tenfold.
Feel free to not answer because this is identifiable info. However, how did you emigrate? Where to? Did you have a family with you or just yourself?
Admittedly, while I think America is a shit hole as well, It’s got to get pretty bad before I’ll be able to convince my wife. However, I’m trying to plan out our escape plan.
Welcome to our little grey rock. It has been a warm winter, but if it gets cold enough to snow in your area then your cultural induction to our society is to endure half of the country shutting down in a panic
How is the teenager taking it, apart from sleeping on luggage? With leaving behind friends and all that?
She has been an amazing trooper. Other than a breakdown after a really stressful situation where we missed the first train, then got on the wrong train a second time and had to climb up and back down a ton of stairs with our suitcases (understandable at that point) she has really made me proud of her. Especially considering how hard it is for autistic kids dealing with change. We’ll see how she fares tomorrow.
Good luck to both of you! If you would like some help I can reccomend Evan Edinger’s videos on his experience migrating to the UK. It may not be useful to a teen though, but he does have a couple videos comparing the UK and US school systems.
Thanks! Always good to have as much research material as possible in these situations.
Also, the first class tickets for the train were totally worth it…
Damn you yanks be rich!
Welcome to our cold rainy island.
You did it!! Good on ya.
I remember seeing the post about you looking for a job there. Congrats on making it out!
Your human deflated
And she rarely has any punctures.