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Firefox + Ublock Origin
also works on android
Yep, this works! No ads.
What if you only use the apps?
Lookup Grayjay
RVX, a fork of ReVanced, works well on Android. You’ll have to side load it yourself, but it’s got very good ad blocking and sponsor block if you don’t want to hear shilling during a video.
No idea for iPhone.
Why not just use the original ReVanced?
It had stopped working for me
Use a third party app like New Pipe, if your on a fruit phone… you unfortunatly cant side load apps, I dont have an answer…
Can’t say I’ve seen them.
Youtube has ads? Since when.
What rock have you been hiding under?
The ones labeled “NewPipe” and “SponsorBlock”
Duck player bro
What youtube ads, I haven’t seen one in years, fortunately.
I have to see them at school all the time, because our
teacher’steachers don’t bother installing adblockers.teacher’s
Now I’m doubly disappointed in your teachers.
Teacher here. My school uses everything Chrome OS and locks the ability to install extensions or other browsers. It’s not always us.
Woopsie! That’s what 7 years of Dutch grammar does to you.
Mine is capitalising everything because of German.
At least German is consistent, unlike English where every so-called “rule” nearly has more exceptions than places it applies. As a native speaker I’m always amazed that anyone manages to learn our train wreck of a language.
English has its pitfalls, but is in many ways incredibly simple.
Plus it’s everywhere, and the best way to learn a language is to use it.
English is 3 or 4 languages melded into one.
There’s the Germanic old English which gives most of the base language. This is mixed with Norse from the viking invasions. Then aristocratic French came in around 1,000 years ago. Underneath it all, some regions have Celtic influences.
Of course there aren’t consistent rules.
Dutch is way worse than English regarding inconsistencies it’s not even funny.
Sadly Dutch is adapting to make some thing “proper” Dutch which where never proper Dutch and sound wrong to every native Dutch speaker. Like “groter als jij” instead of “groter dan jij”.
I’m not sure what you mean here. As far as spelling goes, Dutch is far more consistent than English.
You’re mentioning some none-standard Dutch which is often perceived as incorrect (and it is indeed according to the rules of the standard language norm). Yet, if you were correct in your claim that ‘groter als jij’ was ‘never proper Dutch and sound[s] wrong to every native Dutch speaker’, no native Dutch speaker would ever use ‘groter als jij’. Native Dutch speakers do this often, though, and have been doing it at least since the seventeenth century (eg. this quote from 1670: ‘Zy [de vrucht ”Peci”] is niet veel groter als een kastanie …, vol sap en aengenaem van smaek: herder dan een gemeine appel, en een weinig zuurachtig,’ - ‘It [the fruit “Peci”] is not much bigger than a chestnut …, full of juice and pleasantly tasting: harder than a common apple, and a bit sourish,’).
Sorry to have gone so off-topic here, though.
Are you blocked from installing browser extensions?
“But we can’t pay our content creators! We’re a starving tech company! Niche stuff no one uses or has heard of! We needed to cut the money so they had to push scams!”
what ads? taps ublock and firefox android
I can’t cope with the shitty translate on Firefox mobile, I live in a non English country and it’s driving me insane
Why not just switch it to English? I’m from non English country as well, most my apps are in English
He probably means the website translation function. Very useful for translating local websites, that aren’t available in english, if you don’t speak the language or not fluent enough
Because most websites are not English and every single time I want to translate a site, I have to use a drop down list to select English as the language to translate to.
Why don’t you use the TWP extension? It includes even a DeepL option besides Google Translate and Yandex.
Thank you! I’ll check it out
oh not the menu translation, but the local website translation. well I’m happy if that’s your worst problem
btw, translation to english will almost always work the best, with any kind of service
Well over 50% of the sites on the internet are English so it is the most prominent language on the net.
I use the Firefox extension Immersive Translate exactly for this reason. Hasn’t failed me yet.
Thank you, I’ll give it a try.
Swedish is fine
För Sverige i tiden din nedrans niding
Just get another translate extension.
What ads? My adblocker still works.
And since they made so much while people are effectively using adblocker, there’s no need to fight them back, right?
It’s not about making money, it’s about making all the money. Stock holders will pressure to fire the guy that does that.
It’s not about making money, it’s about making all the money.
It’s probably also about sending a message.
Ads didn’t make 10 billion, Google charged advertisers 10 billion. IMO ads have gone so pervasive they’ve hit a point of diminishing returns. They’re everywhere, we hate them, and those 10 billion spent would have to bring many more billions in sales to be an attractive service.
I can’t wait for the ad bubble to burst, as advertisers understand they’re just giving money away to megaadvertisers for paltry conversions.
I’m an admin in Google Ad Manager for a few hundred sites. Saying that to say I’ve read a lot of their documentation. They have a great graph showing this very concept. Less ads, less money, happy users. More ads, more money, unhappy users. They’re aware. They aren’t pouring the poison. They’re designing the pitcher and selling different size cups.
How does it feel to work in that kind of field? Sounds soul crushing
I feel like the can opener in the Flintstones.
Can I dm you a question about google ad spending?
Edit: ok jesus no ad questions 🤣, how do y’all think people promote their small businesses. I don’t advertise much but we’re all forced to live in this capitalist bullshit and while word of mouth helps if you have a tucked away location you need to pop up on google maps.
Competition. It’s all about competition between companies. In highly saturated markets ads serve to build brand recognition and are seen as long term investment to gain market share. Good example is TikTok. The social media market is very much saturated and competition very high, so TikTok’s strategy was to buy every ad they could to create brand recognition, which in turn helped gaining market share.
So I don’t think the ad business is a bubble at all, it’s just that the usefulness and function depends on the market a company competes within.
Sadly I still see that ads benefit a lot of my clients. The more advertising they do the more revenue they get, but this is only for small to medium sized companies. However if every company in the world spends 100k on adverts on platforms like Google we would easily surpass the 10b.
Dropshippers are the best example of this. No ads means no revenue.
Companies wouldn’t buy the ads if they didn’t work.
… And has made video content for billions of people unbearable to watch or enjoy.
I say this every time the topic comes up, and I’m always downvoted for it but here goes again:
YouTube is going to do this suit because YouTube CAN do this shit. It’s their company. They can enshitify it as much as they’d like. And they WILL enshitify it as much as they like as long as people continue to use it.
How long have they been in existence now? 18-19 years? And with every year they gets worse and worse, while growing bigger and bigger. Why do you think that is?
Could it be because they know that although everyone will bitch about them, complain about them, and write scathing tech articles about them- people will still gobble their shit up regardless.
Don’t like what YouTube is doing? Maybe think about not using it. Because as long as you’re participating- either by creating content or viewing it- you are a big part of the reason they’re getting away with doing this shit.
Downvote away.
Let’s just say, unless YouTube crosses people’s bottom lines and there’s an alternative being actively advertised, people won’t move.
Otherwise, they push that bottom line further.
The lack of alternatives where creators actually get paid for people watching their videos is the biggest problem.
Even youtube doesn’t pay the creators that much. Lois Rossman in a recent video showed some of his video in YT that had over 200k views and generated ~100 USD of income.
On a related note. Why would creators add sponsored segments/other sponsoring/patreon etc if YT pays them enough?
YT doesn’t pay them enough. Unless your some kind of super star.
Nebula pays creators, and you pay to Nebula.
Agreed. Seems there no floor to what people will put up with from them. I can’t understand it. I’ve tried products and services I found that I absolutely hated. I don’t have those products or services anymore.
It’s pretty easy to not do something.
People well not pay for anything. I mean you can get YouTube premium without ads. But the vast majority don’t want it. And since no one well pay for anything how does a computer to YouTube make money?
Shit tons of people are paying for it. And the ones that aren’t, are viewing ads- both of these things are a profit for YouTube.
The only option you have is to not use the services at all. This is how you hurt them.
Nope. I don’t pay for it, and I don’t get ads.
For now.
The day I’m forced to watch YouTube ads is the day I never use it again
@aeternum @technology Adguard blocks all advertisements on there. I’ve installed that, and I’ve never received a single one. As much as I wish I could simply mix YouTube for my life, I can’t, because too many of the folks who produce content up there use it as their only means of sharing that content with the world, so I’ve sort of struck a balancing act between watching the things I want to watch, Will still remaining conscientious of what the companies behind it are doing.
At the end of the day, we’d all be better off if everyone just never used it again, because as long as people put up with what they do- the more they’ll do it.
I dont see ads a since 2 years, for FREE. Android https://github.com/polymorphicshade/Tubular Android TV https://smarttubeapp.github.io/ For others Brave browser, or Firefox based with uBlock extension.
Stop. Using. Youtube.
And replace it with what?
I pay for a YouTube premium family plan. It’s probably a rip off but my kids enjoy content on YouTube more than any other platform but YouTube is not safe for children with ads enabled (and YouTube kids is a joke)
Soggy cereal made a video about how YouTube ads are unsafe a few weeks ago and that was exactly my experience before I started paying for yt premium, look that up if you are curious
I’ll just share with you my experience:
I was also paying for a YouTube Premium family plan, but still got ads. What made me cancel was the fact that they’re still using trackers, so they were making money off me three times (subscription, ads, and selling my data)!
Coupled with the fact that “content creators” don’t really make content for the love of making it. It’s all created “for the algorithm”, especially the “watch to the end”, clickbait titles and thumbnails, “like and subscribe” begging, “only 15% of you are subscribers”, sponsored content disguised as education, etc… Videos today are nothing like they were 15 years ago, because it became solely about making money.
Google is one of the pioneers of the enshittification movement!
It’s not just ads on Youtube. It’s also all the sponsor crap and filler content to get to 10 minute videos.
I use it with an adblocker and sponsorblock but it’s still shit.
Why ten mins? Do they only paid if they make it ten mins or longer?
YouTube ReVanced all the way
I’ve been getting NewPiped down, myself.
But it’s nice to see alternatives floating.
PipePipe worked for me when stock NewPipe didn’t. YMMV
Do you think a GrayJay will stand o a NewPipe for this?