
Since Donald Trump’s return to office, ICE and DEA agents have intensified immigration enforcement, conducting door-to-door sweeps in Colorado.

Initially targeting suspected criminals, recent operations now question all residents, regardless of warrants. A Denver apartment complex saw widespread searches, sparking protests and fear among undocumented families.

Activists and attorneys are mobilizing to inform residents of their rights. Schools report growing student anxiety.

Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, confirmed a broad crackdown, declaring, “If you’re in the country illegally, you’re on the table.”

    671 month ago

    They’re all riding around in militarized machinery with a roof gunner hatch. Full face coverings and taping over doorbell cameras. Goddamned douche larpers trying to pull a Kristallnacht.

    Need to create an app like Watch Duty to social track their movements. Local news is doing a good job so far. For now.

      241 month ago

      Funny thing is this could be done way more cheaply and humanely.

      Have an amnesty. If you’re in the country illegally, turn yourself in. You get $250 cash and a free ticket to wherever you came from.

      Promise that’ll cost less than arresting everyone and jailing them.

          41 month ago

          That’s the problem- I’m pretty sure you’re right. Either that or whoever got the instructions to get rid of undocumented immigrants has no cleverness at all and pushed the only button they can think of (send in jack booted thugs).

          Trump may or may not be ignorant but his words fan the flames of racism and xenophobia. And while I think it’s possible he’s just ignorant, for someone in his position ignorance is no excuse. As President, as a commander, like any other commander he’s responsible for the actions of his subordinates when they are following his orders. He doesn’t get the luxury of not knowing, not understanding, not being aware of what his orders end up doing.

          21 month ago

          You’re very likely right. I’m certainly not going to stand up and claim Trump is pure as driven snow. Or at the very least, that’s a part of it, for many of the people who push such a policy.

          I think we’d all agree whoever gave the order to have ICE agents dress up in SWAT gear and go door to door wasn’t thinking about humanity.

        191 month ago

        That’s not going to work. You’re asking them to abandon their homes, family, friend networks, and be banned from ever returning.

        Conservatives characterize immigrants as poor people who haven’t been here long and are a burden on our systems. The truth is almost exactly the opposite. The vast majority of the 11 million people here illegally have been here for years, if not decades. They are productive, they pay taxes, and commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens.

        The answer is to stop worrying about “economic” migrants. Deport immigrants with DUIs and violent or financial felony convictions. Beef up the department of labor and go after companies paying people less than minimum wage. Then it’s not a matter of jobs or services or crime. The only thing left is xenophobia.

          1 month ago

          For many, I agree. That’s also the problem with this sort of policy, it makes no distinction between a migrant poor worker who picks tomatoes or whatever for barely minimum wage and someone who settles in, starts a business, etc.

          Deport immigrants with DUIs and violent or financial felony convictions. Beef up the department of labor and go after companies paying people less than minimum wage.

          Agree 100% on all.

          Then it’s not a matter of jobs or services or crime.

          I’m not 100% sure. There’s an element of legitimacy to the policy against ‘economic migrants’, I don’t know how big but there’s an element.
          Let’s say you have a difficult and strenuous job. And let’s say you have two candidates- a born and raised American, and a Latin American immigrant. If the immigrant has better quality of life here on a minimum wage job than in their home country, they’re less likely to demand higher wages or better working conditions because from their POV they’ve already got ‘better’. And that DOES affect the American- if the immigrant will do the job for $8/hr flat and be happy living in a poor neighborhood (because at least there’s no cartels like south of the border), but the American wants $12/hr and health benefits, merely having the immigrant there as an option affects the salary the American can get. Because if you remove the immigrant the company will HAVE to raise the wage to $12/hr and offer health benefits. Otherwise the company will hire only immigrants and will keep the wage low.

          I recognize this is a generalization and you can’t paint all of ANY people with the same brush. You can also flip it around and say forcing the company to hire Americans at the higher wages will increase costs and decrease quality-- say what you want about Latin American immigrants but in most cases I’ve seen they’re pretty much the hardest working mofos around. Thus, having some competition provides incentive for the Americans to work harder.

          The problem is, it’s VERY hard to have any sort of real discussion on the subject without it being derailed either by accusations of xenophobia or actual xenophobia / racism.

            31 month ago

            That’s the point of the Department of Labor. Nobody wants to work for less pay and no benefits. Corporations can force migrants to work for less than minimum wage, no benefits, and live in overcrowded housing on site because if the migrants complain too much then the corporation just calls ICE.

            And at the end of the day if corporations are too powerful and keeping wages down then we can pass a higher minimum wage. But imagine if all those ICE agents were doing spot checks on employers for pay and safety issues. Where we put our resources matters and chasing metaphorical gophers has very quick diminishing returns.

            And that’s all without the macro economic point of view that points out having more consumers in your country means more economic activity which means more jobs.

              11 month ago

              I say this with respect- but that’s a bit of an ‘ivory tower intellectual’ position that doesn’t consider how things work in the real world.

              I’m not just talking about ABUSE, which DoL should prevent. I’m talking about personal drive and demand of upward mobility.

              For example- let’s say you have a company committed to following the rules, who will pay what the market demands and treats workers with respect. You have two candidates for a job. One is an immigrant- lives in a lower end neighborhood, but is thrilled he can feed his family ‘only’ working 60 hours a week and his daughter can walk to school without being abducted and raped. He’ll do the job as long as it’s offered for $10/hr and be thrilled at that. The other is an American who wants upward mobility, they want to do this job for 1-3 years max before being promoted to something bigger, and if he doesn’t get promotion he will leave.
              There’s no abuse and nothing illegal happening here. Just supply and demand.

              If you’re the corporation, which person do you hire?
              Almost every company I know would hire the immigrant, because he’ll work hard, he’s thankful to have the job, his lower-middle-class lifestyle is better than what he had before so he has no need to demand more.
              But if the immigrant isn’t there, they’ll have to hire the other guy, have to pay him more, have to provide promotion opportunities or train new workers when he finds something better.

              There’s nothing for department of labor to do there, because there’s no violations happening. This isn’t a legal problem. It’s a socioeconomic one. No government agency can force the immigrant to demand higher wages, or force the company to pay above minimum wage.
              (Minimum wage should probably be $10-$15 today, but that’s a separate issue).

              And that’s all without the macro economic point of view that points out having more consumers in your country means more economic activity which means more jobs.

              That only holds if those consumers have disposable income. And those consumers only have disposable income if they’re demanding wages high enough to afford luxuries.
              If you have workers who will settle for very low wages, that depresses wages across the board. That means less disposable income for everyone, and can mean overall LESS economic activity because wages will decrease, consumer spending will drop, and money will accumulate as profits for large companies that reap higher profits from overall depressed wages (sound familiar?). I’m not blaming immigrants for that (I blame Congress and the absurdly low minimum wage) but the point stands.

              Bottom line- if you have two groups of people, one says ‘I’m happy with what I get’ the other says ‘I want more’, more of the first group means less wages for both groups. Supply and demand.

                21 month ago

                Your problem isn’t with the migrant. It’s with the government tolerating low wages and union breaking. It’s with corporations that take advantage of people. We can change that though because this is still our country.

                At the end of the day it’s not a story of two groups, it’s a story of what we’re willing to tolerate. Because there’s only 11 million undocumented immigrants in a country of about 200 million working adults. That fraction of the working age population isn’t depressing anything. Then, about promotion, migrants want to get promoted too. But the reality is a large minority will work in minimum wage their entire lives. That’s why we need regulations to make that better. And why it shouldn’t matter that immigrants are there too. The minimum standard of living shouldn’t be something people get threatened with.

                Calling me an ivory tower person is also just a way to dismiss facts.

                  1 month ago

                  I have no problem with the migrant, and I’ve no intent to dismiss facts. I did NOT mean that as an ad hominem attack (attack the person rather than the idea). I only meant to point out that your ideas sound nice but run into trouble in the real world.
                  Expecting government to stand up for people who won’t stand up for themselves (because even marginalized they’re still light years better off and they don’t want to risk that) isn’t a solution, it doesn’t work.

                  At the end of the day it’s not a story of two groups, it’s a story of what we’re willing to tolerate. … the reality is a large minority will work in minimum wage their entire lives.

                  And that’s exactly my point. An awful lot more immigrants will tolerate working minimum wage their whole lives. That’s not a dig at the migrant- I have great respect for them. But there’s a culture thing at work. That’s not a dig at any of their culture either, it’s a recognition of the fact that there’s differences. And the simple fact that the migrant who comes here and can let his daughter walk to school without her getting raped on the way isn’t likely to rock the boat too hard. He won’t say ‘pay me $30/hr or I quit’ knowing that if he gets fired that could mean having to go back home where his daughter will get raped on the way to school. I don’t blame the migrant for that- if I was in that situation I’d feel the exact same way. I’d keep my head down and I’d work hard and I’d try to make sure my kid gets good grades so they can have a chance at better. I think most decent parents would.

                  Because there’s only 11 million undocumented immigrants in a country of about 200 million working adults. That fraction of the working age population isn’t depressing anything.

                  If it was spread out equally among all industries, it’d make zero difference. It’s not. For the most part, you don’t see undocumented migrants becoming doctors, lawyers, investment bankers, computer engineers, etc. The effect is concentrated in blue collar jobs.

                  As you say, it’s a story of what we’re each willing to tolerate. And if you have a nation where the laws of supply and demand govern prevailing wages and working conditions, a large group of people who will tolerate an awful lot DOES make an impact.

                  Where we agree- I 100% agree that we need labor regs to make things better for everybody. Companies should not be allowed to mistreat workers and that IS a legal problem not an immigration problem.
                  I also believe (and I suspect you would agree) that for someone who wants to become an American- not just come to the country and work, but adopt an American way of life and become a citizen- there should be a clear, obvious, accessible path to citizenship.

                  Those 11 million people, like I said above those are some of the hardest working mofos on American soil, citizen or not. My problem with them isn’t that they’re here, it’s that they’re not being paid more. If they competed in the labor market on an EQUAL footing, as CITIZENS who fully understand and will stand up for their rights, most of them could easily command a high hourly wage due to high work ethic. I would LOVE to make that happen. I’m open to any way to do it. But if you just give someone a green card or a citizenship and say ‘congrats you’re an American’, you aren’t changing the culture, the mindset, the understanding of their rights and determination to stand up for those rights, And thus nothing will change.

                  That’s why I say I want an accessible process for such a person to become an American. If they want to truly learn about the country, and that means learning about their rights, take a place on equal footing with other Americans, if they choose us and they’re willing to follow the laws and pay their taxes then I don’t believe it’s the American way to slam the door in their face.

                  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” That’s carved in stone beneath the Statue of Liberty. Those words aren’t lost on me (although I suspect they are lost on a lot of modern day ‘patriots’).

                  But part of that means actually choosing to be American. I think learning English should be a big part of that-- not because I have a problem with ‘press one for English, para espanol marque dos’ on the phone menu. But because if you don’t speak the native language, then you can’t compete in any sort of negotiation on the same footing as an American native.

                  If you CAN do that (and for many, I’m not sure you can) the result is the immigrant now has the security of citizenship, knows that getting fired doesn’t mean his daughter gets raped, and hopefully you can instill in him the kind of attitude and culture to DEMAND better of his employer. As far as I’m concerned that’s just as effective as deporting him, because either way the underclass is removed from the labor pool. And a few million more Freedom-loving Americans won’t make much difference either way.
                  I just don’t know how to make that happen.

                  I’m open to any thoughts you may have.

        51 month ago

        I think my great-great grandfather immigrated from Ireland. Can I get on board with that?

          51 month ago

          Too bad it’s your great grandfather. If it was your grandfather, you’d be eligible for Irish Citizenship.

          31 month ago

          hahaha I can see the appeal of a free ticket to Dublin and $250 to spend when you get there…

          But no you wouldn’t qualify as you’re a citizen (born in the USA).

            31 month ago

            Oh I know I don’t qualify. Funny enough was asking dad to find out about his grandfather because that might have gotten him a path to citizenship. Nope, Mississippi.

  • Admiral Patrick
    311 month ago

    I’m…speechless and all out of snark on this one. This is fucking horrifying.

    Single-issue voters who threw their vote away or sat out and did not help stop this, well, hope you’re happy with your choices.

      101 month ago

      hope you’re happy

      Or better, hope your losing sleep and sick to your stomachs and ready to take action in every available protest, election, boycott, donation, etc.

      • TheTechnician27
        21 month ago

        Pffffft, yeah right. They’ll “take action” inasmuch as it saves them a trip to the voting station two blocks away. I’m praying that the people who did that will prove me wrong, but I’m not holding my breath.

          41 month ago

          This is me every time I see the “take action” bullshit. I’m not trusting my back to a bunch of people who couldn’t be faffed to wait in line on an inconvenient day.

      • Flying Squid
        -11 month ago

        Unfortunately, they are still in “deny genocide is happening” mode.

        Although a handful of them have taken a “America deserves genocide” tack instead.

      51 month ago

      I hope you get used to this feeling. Cuz it’s going to keep happening. It’s so fucking clear that the Democrats are not learning a single thing from this utter defeat they suffered. And the many defeats they’ve suffered the last decade and a half.

        1 month ago

        Democrats voted. It’s independent leftists that didn’t vote. And encouraged others to not vote or vote third party. Hope you’re happy with yourselves. This is what we get because you ragged on Democrats the entire election season. Gtfoh.

    291 month ago

    Ah, the freedom-loving government flexing its muscle by turning neighborhoods into checkpoints. Door-to-door sweeps? That’s not law enforcement; that’s a dystopian scavenger hunt.

    Let’s not pretend this is about “safety.” It’s about fear—fear as policy, fear as spectacle. When agents knock on every door “just in case,” they’re not enforcing laws; they’re shredding trust. Schools full of anxious kids? Families sleeping with one eye open? That’s the real legacy here.

    And Tom Homan’s “on the table” rhetoric? Sounds more like a threat than governance. If this is the new normal, then democracy’s just a word we slap on the side of the bus while it careens off a cliff.

      61 month ago

      Homan didn’t just threaten individuals and communities, he threatened city and state officials who would dare get in his way. Almost like he knows what he’s doing will draw a lot of ire.

      He’s taking small town good ol’ boy sheriff attitude to the federal level, that’s why conservatives love him.

        101 month ago

        The good ol’ boy sheriff attitude isn’t just a personality quirk—it’s a power fetish wrapped in folksy branding. Conservatives don’t love him for his “toughness”; they love him because he’s a blunt instrument for their authoritarian fantasies.

        Threatening officials isn’t law enforcement; it’s political theater designed to intimidate and dominate. The ire he’s drawing? That’s the sound of people waking up to the fact that this isn’t governance—it’s performative cruelty masquerading as leadership.

    281 month ago

    This is literally what 2A supporters have been saying they need to prepare for. They have proven many years ago that they are interested entirely in being the brownshirts.

    271 month ago

    2017 Democrats: “Trump’s expansion of the ICE is creating a personal police force to do his bidding.”

    2025 Democrats: “The fuck you want me to do about it? I already warned you this would happen.”

        • Sure, after all the moderate candidates (some of whom were doing much better than Biden) all decided to mysteriously drop out right before Super Tuesday. What a weird confidence, am I right?

                1 month ago

                Sorry I had you confused with another user who was talking about 2024 primary and not 2020…

                Before Super Tuesday 2020, Bernie won 2 states and Biden had won 1 states and also Pete Buttigieg won 1, Biden earned 54 delegates from those and Bernie earned 64 while Pete Buttigieg won 26. Buttigieg and others left the race but Bernie stayed in until April where he started falling behind Biden in big races including Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, etc.

                • Yeah I forgot that Buttigieg got a few more delegates in Iowa. After all the moderates dropped out, Bernie definitely lost momentum and his campaign really should have planned for that kind of move. Warren also staying in the race despite a highly lackluster performance sure didn’t help.

                  Oh, what could have been.

              41 month ago

              Ok here’s some constructive criticism: The 2nd Amendment was made for times like these, what would your grandfathers do if they were your age and the Nazis have successfully invaded Americas highest office? Inaction is action. There’s plenty of historical info proving that a complacent centrist majority is required to allow a fascist minority to take power. Your “government” has proven time and time again they serve against your interests, for over half a century, when will it get through to you Americans? You can dig and discuss and follow the data all you want and every time it will lead to billionaires, and every time the conversation stops there for some reason. Perhaps Kamala losing because a population of people voted against genocide is a time for self reflection and reevaluation, not doubling down on the very people who got us here in the first place, I personally still hold a grudge since Obama’s approach to the 2008 financial crisis that led us to where we are today. Perhaps we need to stop doing human sacrifices so that miracles can be performed by our God “The Markets,” didn’t we have a whole Enlightenment Era to get over this very thing? (Looks up the history of America and the late 1700s) And perhaps maybe, just maybe, occupying a sidewalk and leaving politely when ordered to doesn’t really make the oligarchs afraid or take us seriously. Perhaps the best approach would be to gather en masse, guns out in the open, outside the gated communities of millionaires and billionaires. It’s gonna have to happen sooner or later, but later requires many more to suffer. You can say whatever you want but the world is collectively watching what you (Americans) are doing (or aren’t doing).

            1 month ago

            So your opinion is that we should stop holding elections?

            Even Bernie Sanders promoted the people who beat him in the primaries, we should have listened to Bernie Sanders and not TikTok.

  • acargitz
    111 month ago

    There’s this old song by a British band called The Clash. Something something about Brixton. And the Brits don’t even have a second amendment.

    • CodandChips
      1 month ago

      When they kick at your front door How you gonna come?

      With your hands on your head Or on the trigger of your gun

    111 month ago

    Tell them to suck your dick and get a warrant, that is what I would do. Unconstitutional douchebags need to learn the constitution one insult at time.

    • Flying Squid
      111 month ago

      Doesn’t hurt to know your legal rights, but we’re also in “put people in a concentration camp” territory now, so they will likely be ignored.

        81 month ago

        The thing is you have to force them to do it illegally, brutally, while people can see it. If you give in, if you agree to things, it’s too easy for them.

        Yes, many people who stand up to them will die. It’s already been allowed to get to that point. Yet if you sit back and give in, it happens so much more quickly, and much more brutally.

        This is especially true if you’re white, or at least not openly a minority. If you’re a middle aged white male, make them go through you. It’s dangerous, you might not make it, so make sure you’re ready. White men standing up to them, constantly, is cognitive dissonance to them. They’ll expect you to always be on your side, and when everyone isn’t, they stumble.

        If people constantly resist them at every angle they will fail. We will lose good people doing it, and we have to.

        • Flying Squid
          21 month ago

          There is a gulf of difference between “they will not respect your rights” and “you should give in.”

          -11 month ago

          So we went from “pelase vote in November” to “some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”? Holy dystopian nightmare, batman.

            81 month ago

            So we went from “pelase vote in November” to “some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”? Holy dystopian nightmare, batman.

            When people didn’t vote against Fascists? Yes.

            And it’s not about what people being ‘willing’ to watch others die, it’s about people standing up and being willing to die for their less powerful neighbours. I’m middle aged, male (AMAB, anyway) and white. I’ll stand between any cops, military, whatever and my fellow citizens. My grandmother (moms side) was in the Dutch resistance and was caught helping people escape the Nazi’s and spend 1941-1945 in a camp; she never fully recovered and converted to Atheism from Catholicism on her death bed, stating ‘no just God would allow what I have seen and lived through.’ My grandfather (dads side) served in the Canadian army from 1939 to 1945, and went to every country we fought in. He never slept in the same bed as my grandmother because he had screaming, wake-up-fighting nightmares from what he saw. He drove a motorcycle, delivering orders, moving supplies, etc. He was driving in a ditch beside a convoy just before dawn, for hours, and the ditch was so bumpy he had to keep slowing down because the motorcycle kept slipping. When the light broke, they were finally able to see, and he realised he was driving over the bodies of women and children from nearby villages. The ‘slipping’ was because the bodies were decaying and the motorcycle couldn’t grip, and he and his partner in the side-car took turns holding the handle bars while the other vomited over the side. They couldn’t turn around because beside the ditch was a cliff, and the convoy was bumper to bumper; they drove for six hours, at maybe 5 km/h, sobbing and vomiting. He never told me the story, he refused to talk about the war with me or my brothers, but in a drunken stupor my father told us my grandfathers war stories.

            We pretend it’s somehow going to be different this time, like this time fascists can be appeased, this time they won’t invade other countries, or take away all of your rights. 30,000 people are already in camps. We all know what is coming next. You can stand aside like the German people did, watch and wring your hands, tell yourselves lies about the ‘clean Wehrmacht,’ yet everyone knows what’s happening. If we don’t stand up to them, we encourage it to happen.

              -21 month ago

              It’s not if they can be appeased or not, it’s that half the country wants them in power. You are talking about a civil war.

                41 month ago

                It’s not half that want them, it’s like 20%. 80% are allowing them to do these things.

                Sure, civil war, civil disobedience, call it whatever you want. They’re putting children in camps, at what point do ‘you’ (the people of the US) stand up to it? Do they need to create death camps with ovens before you all react, or are you going to ‘aww geez’ at not wanting to stand up to them? The nazi’s made it illegal to save children from being tortured to death, at what point do you say ‘law’ be damned, I won’t watch this happen?

                  21 month ago

                  I don’t know. They already (famously) put children in cages last time around, AND-PEOPLE-STILL-VOTED-FOR-HIM.

                  About percentages, 77M+ people voted R, and IIRC there were 160M registered voters, so close to half of voters voted for him, much more than 20%.

                1 month ago

                It’s already started. They’ve already started the war, but right now it’s just civil war between the MAGAts and immigrants. Very quickly it’s going to expand to to others. They’ve already removed women’s bodily autonomy, they’ve been attacking transgender people for months, and they just created their religious task force to ‘defend’ Christianity. Expect attacks on those groups to ramp up in the coming weeks.

                1 month ago

                A quarter of the country wants them in power.

                Another (almost) half didn’t give enough fucks to even notice.

                  11 month ago

                  How do you come to one quarter? They got almost half of registered voters, even if you count elegible but unregistered it would be one third. Plenty of kids, felons, etc who can’t vote and might or might not support the shitshow.

      11 month ago

      It helps if you google (specifically Google) things immigrants might google. It hides hotspots on the map for search terms.

        11 month ago

        I would think it would be helpful to use a VPN and switch locations over and over, use servers all around the world as well as all around the country while Googling. Really poison enhance the precision of the dataset.

        01 month ago

        Specifically, click this and search for a made up name. The goal is not to ddos. This is a useful site that we want to stay up. The goal is privacy. They’re not above using this data.

        Tell your loved ones that if you are detained by ICE, they can try to use ICE’s online detainee locator to find you: