In Batman begins, the issue is corruption.
Everyone knows Falcone is guilty but no one has the legal ability to arrest him.
So Bruce Wayne becomes a vigilante in a more Luigi kind of way in which he is willing to risk things cause he has the tools to do it right.
The whole point of Batman is doing all he can with his resources, even if that means breaking the law.
But yeah, we know today that the most effective thing he can do is not even charity, but pay for lobbying
Here’s a Tumblr post about how different versions of Bruce Wayne (comic books, animated series, etc.) have donated huge sums of money to charities and other improvements to Gotham City.
Meh. Only suckers give a shit about the “generosity” of billionaires. Tax them. Tax them down to millionaire status. Why should they dictate what programs get funded? It’s never worked before… it’s not suddenly going to start now.
I mean, your own tumblr link is proof of that. After all, Gotham’s still a crime ridden shithole, isn’t it? Clearly Bruce Wayne doesn’t know what Gotham actually needs.
So you think removing the main plot device is the way to go for Batman stories?
Not necessarily disagreeing with you in the real world. But what do you expect from fiction?
At the end of the day it’s all propaganda. Yes, I think the best version of propaganda about how to deal with the wealthy would do this, and show how it’s more effective. I don’t think creating media about how we should rely on billionaires to solve our problems out of their own good will is a good idea.
Gotham’s still a crime ridden shithole
In most continuities, Gotham is literally supernaturally cursed, often in multiple different ways
Points for talking about real issues but also this is a pretend fantasy billionaire we’re talking about
If one of our billionaires decided to dress up like a bat and beat up thugs it would be an improvement. Instead we get a dozen Lex Luthors and no batman.
A rich guy dressing up in body armor and going around beating up poor people to fight systemic corruption is the most believable part of the whole Batman franchise. In his original incarnation he had a gun too.
It’s extremely spot on that instead of doing obvious things that would better the city they just invest in a bunch of industry and tech instead. Very on the nose. Especially the Dark Knight Rises Batman where he had a clean energy program that was the answer to the energy crisis or whatever they were in but he just didn’t do it because he thought ‘the world wasn’t ready’.
How is the world not ready? The world was never ready for nuclear weapons, but we got them anyway…
We just need to advance socially as a species faster than climate change, that’s all. Easy.
This conversation is missing the part where he says “all of them”
And then also dresses as a bat