I stopped by to say the same thing. I use Zabbix to monitor everything
I stopped by to say the same thing. I use Zabbix to monitor everything
It really depends on what kind of project it is. Not everything will have a big appeal but if it doesn’t how big is your target audience going to be for the product really.
Life is all about compromise. The right partner will compromise for you just as much as you will compromise for them. I compromise more for some people and less for others depending on how close my relationship is to that person.
Open source the research! I know people don’t think this is the best way for a company to do R&D, but it will get tons of people that are interested in whatever you’re doing to help for free and as a bonus you can find some great talent. Also, I’m not saying you need to give away the keys to your company. You could only open source select parts of the R&D to not give away your secrets.
The town still looks like it was in the 1900’s although they did finally get rid of the plane that was at the gas station there for decades.
You could implement a ssh tunnel every time it is online. Then you just use a reverse tunnel through that connection.
They totally did! It was great.
There was a couple at a party i went to that were each dressed as a giant boob. When they stood next to each other they completed the rack.
Lol, I had Plymouth Horizon as my first car.
That is just it, i shouldn’t know the political stance of a CEO\business owner, media personality or celebrity. As soon as they put their politics out they stand a good chance of losing ½ of their followers. Just my thoughts though.
I have been using Open EVSE for years and love them, They have a nicely documented API so i can control them with just about anything.
So you can take the straight path if you choose!
I came here to say that
Now you get a 10 minute ad for a 2 minute video
Windows 98 second edition By then i was bored with windows and a friend told me about Linux and i haven’t looked back.
Don’t forget Wayland and security into the mix as well. That seems to have caused some of the biggest issues with apps. Don’t get me wrong though, security was desperately needed. X11 had no concept of security.
It depends on where your priorities are. For me i would go for cheap\shitty place so long as it was safe enough and i wasn’t going to be robbed all the time. Save the money and then go buy a place you really like when you can afford it better.
Have you played with NextCloud
The “allowed host” on the client side is to put the networks in you would like to route to. If you want to use the VPN tunnel for your default route it’s when you use the
I would say to go on the flight but be prepared just in case. Have an epi pen with you, Benadryl, whatever you need to recover when the reaction hits. You could even wear a mask if the people around you are eating peanuts. For me i would go ahead with your trip and not let the possibilities stop you from living your life as you want.