What country? (just curious?)
“The American economy is doing great!”
Nah, Republicans want 16 and 17 year olds to be treated as property of legal adults just like under-16s.
Only difference is that 16 is when sexual abuse is acceptable in their eyes.
White conservative parents are objectively the worst in the world. At least liberal parents don’t hit their kids, and they are stereotyped as being permissive instead of strict and abusive.
Could the recent “Venezuelan gangs” psyop be manufacturing consent for this?
What will Assad’s fall mean for the Axis of Resistance?
Jumping spiders are the only kind of spiders I like.
You’ve mentioned a suicide method handbook. I would suggest you edit your post and remove mention of it.
Inshallah, Elon is the Judas to Trump’s Jesus.
It did?
They can’t even arrest Putin who they sent out arrest warrants for!
Liberals: Proof that Khamenei is antisemitic!1!1!1!1! He is so racist, he only said he deserves the death sentence because Netanyahu is Jewish and not because he gave death sentences to tens of thousands of children!
There’s no way the USA and/or nukes won’t get involved if Seoul is fully destroyed. Seoul and South Korea in general play a (somewhat) major part in the world economy, at least compared to the DPRK. There’s no way that the majority of the world’s countries who trade with the ROK will want them to fall to one of the most economically isolated countries in the world.
How capable is the DPRK of defeating the ROK and especially repelling the USA militarily? How capable are they of resisting economic pressures? Regardless of their capabilities in these two areas, how have they gained such capabilities?
the us is winning the currency war
Wait, have they actually said that they would defend Iran?
Is it happening?