• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2024


  • It’s 24/7 with them and has been for literally centuries. I’m just gonna start telling them that we international observers are just plain fuckin bored of this after watching the US government get away with murder every single day, year after year regardless of whose ass is sitting in the oval office signing off on all of it.

    Also, if they really truly believe that the Day of the Rope is going to come any day now then why do none of them ever own guns or organize or make any kind of plans beyond checking a box and threatening to go colonize move to other countries? It’s almost like deep down they know it’s all kafabe.

  • anti-fascism IS just a vibe to them but fascism itself is too, I would argue lol. According to them fascism is when you say mean things about minorities on twitter and complain about woke, definitely has nothing to do with imperial shrinkage and what happens when empires run out of gas. This cycle has taught me just how little the american voter gives a fuck about geopolitics. They themselves will often tell you with a smile how they only really care about domestic politics (AKA what they personally stand to gain from imperialism).

  • Yeah I’m in a similar space as a Canadian. Stayed relatively offline until a couple hours ago and now it’s official lol. I empathize with your growing sense of detachment from American politics and what helped me come to grips with that is recently is learning that America has the most frequent elections of any country in the whole world. It’s baked into their culture. They go through this cycle every 4 years like clockwork, as their constitution mandates.

    The reactions both before and after the 2016 one were EXACTLY like this. Same talking points, same willful ignorance of all the horrible bullshit the incumbent dem admin did like Biden blowing up Nordstream, helping complete the border wall, deliberately stalling/defusing 1/6 investigations, aiding and abetting the Palestinian genocide, stoking the Ukraine war, shrugging at all the SCOTUS rulings rather than just packing it like the GOP did…

    It’s just going to be so painful and cringe to see all their fantasies about muh concentration camps and cancelled elections not come true and see them do all of this AGAIN in 2028, probably with fucking Kumla again.

    I guess to get to your concern, if you’re being unempathetic than I definitely am too for whatever that is worth. I used to be willing to live and let live for americans who voted for whomever because I didn’t see meaningful difference and because I thought they were simply misled, but after being personally insulted and attacked and sneered at by Americans who tell you to butt out as a non-American when you stop toeing the DNC line, I kind of just said fuck 'em. I think they deliberately make the choice of “genocide over there vs over here” and dress it up with pride stickers and memes and twitter posts and Parks & Rec screenshots to make themselves feel better about only giving a shit about American lives. I’m just emotionally divesting from American politics and focusing on things that can actually help prepare me. It helps to remember that they do this every 2 goddamn years and it’s not the end of the world.

  • I think this quote is a mealy-mouthed way of saying that basically every Canadian is up to their asses in debt and struggling to get the bare minimum they need out of life so no, they really don’t care what NATO wants. We’re not “divided”, we’re broke af and have bigger concerns. CBC journos really are something else. Do THEY know the “strategic realities”? If they did maybe they wouldn’t write pro-war puff pieces like this.

    So many people I know here are either sick or chronically ill because they have no family doctor. Hell, most people I know my age want to LEAVE Canada altogether because we loathe it here despite being born here. There are certainly old geezers here and spoiled bougies flying Ukraine flags who would be fine with war and death because they already got what they needed out of life and watch propaganda 24/7.

    For the rest of us who have already sacrificed and settled for so little (even having my own place to myself while working full time is a fairy tale now), we aren’t going to just happily sacrifice more so that Trudeau and parliament can sit around some more and eat bonbons and play war games. We’re going to be pissed and resist in any way possible. I think it would politically push a lot of people over the edge, possibly into communism, but I think we all know it’s more likely to be fascism. It’s not like the NDP are going to put up any kind of actual fight lol, they’re a worthless lib party now. Canada can go fuck itself in other words.

  • I see your point and will try and exercise a bit more patience in the future, but I do think that part of what helped me develop from a radlib into a leftist was the occasional cold reminder when I stepped out of line without doing any investigation.

    If one enters a conversation about a conflict in a leftist space where the stakes are as high as they are (WW3, really) and tries to disprove facts by doing ad hominem stuff, you deserve a bit of ridicule because that’s not a real analysis. Acting haughty and doubling down on it and pouting when others besides myself directly ask for some proof is also not really a good look. Nor is tattling to the mods when you’re losing the room.

    Please just have some facts if you’re going to walk directly into a thread and confidently say that it’s all bullshit and don’t take it personally when people lose patience when you do not. It’s not asking much.