If you want to insult a Marxist try directly engaging call them a lib.
Wu Wei?
I don’t think there’s a strong relation between knowledge and salary. It’s more likely demand and supply - if specific skills are in demand, and not many people have them, then pay will increase. And at the highest levels it’s often not what you know, but who you know that matters.
I think the broader aim is to get aid into Gaza. More suffering is caused by food shortages, lack of medical facilities, etc. than bullets and bombs.
pretending Biden was worse than Trump on this issue was propaganda designed to elect Trump
I don’t think anyone was saying he was ‘worse’, just ‘equally bad’. Although it looks like Trump is going to pressure Israel into at least a temporary ceasefire, which would make him better than Biden on this one issue.
There was that lady who holds the world record in sniping Nazis. Wasn’t she Ukrainian?
I’d suggest a law that companies providing medical equipment should reveal all their blueprints, code, etc. to some national regulator. If the company goes belly up, the regulator releases these into the public domain so other manufacturers can provide spare parts, maintanence, etc. The inventors / programmers can be given a reasonable compensation for their work being nationalised.
Noob. Charles’s don’t have a great track record against Parliament. You need Guy Fawkes for this matchup.
Won’t deflation increase the value of money, and so enrich those with accumulated money more than those barely scraping by?
From this angle the telescope looks like a guy wearing a Vietnamese hat and doing yoga.
Trump ‘supported’ such policies to get elected. Might as well keep reminding his voters what he promised to do, so that when he fails to do any of them you can convince some people to jump ship.
They’ll just start conscripting women once every last man is dead.
We do a little trolling
Collectively, our species massively overproduce food
The economist Amartya Sen, who studied famines in South Asia and Africa said that 'starvation is the characteristic of some people not having enough food to eat. It is not the characteristic of there being not enough food to eat." Producing more food than we need means nothing if it does not reach everyone.
separate and solvable large scale land allocation problem
I would say it is more of a food-allocation problem. Land redistribution is a great thing, and has worked in the past. But natural disasters and crop failures can occur in regions, and larger farms can benefit from long-term planning and more scientific management. So the better solution, in an ideal world, would be to focus on guaranteeing food rather than land.
the solution to which frees whatever livestock use the argument excuses.
Solving food security will of course greatly reduce this problem, although personally I am worried that food availability will get worse in the coming years and decades due to the various ways in which we are damaging the environment.
Assuming the land in question is arable in the first place …
There’s land that isn’t good enough to grow crops, but is good enough for wild plants to grow. You can, as you said, ‘manage’ it - give enough fertiliser and water to make it suitable for agriculture. But that is often unaffordable for the people living in such places, so using animals to gather and concentrate the available nutrients is the best option available to them.
There’s an element of truth here, in that parts of the world have a system where farm animals eat stuff humans can’t, such as wild grass, kitchen waste and straw. But modern ‘factory farms’ do use insane amounts of growth su0lements and medicines, which are just as bad.
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