Schaetzel suggested that Floyd died of high levels of catecholamines, a neurohormone associated with the flight-or-fight response, or Takotsubo myocarditis, a heart condition caused by intense emotional or physical experiences.

  • Flying Squid
    1003 months ago

    Schaetzel suggested that Floyd died of high levels of catecholamines, a neurohormone associated with the flight-or-fight response, or Takotsubo myocarditis, a heart condition caused by intense emotional or physical experiences.

    What exactly was the cause of the intense emotional and physical experience in this case? Because that sure as fuck still sounds like murder to me.

    If you’re anaemic and I cut your arm and don’t let you do anything about it and you slowly bleed to death, I still was the murderer even if the anaemia killed you.

    • TheLowestStone
      3 months ago

      No no. You don’t understand. It wasn’t the knee on his neck that killed him. It was his feelings about the knee on his neck.

        23 months ago

        TIL. Unfortunately I feel like we live in a post-precedence world. As though somehow they’re going to say, “sure, any normal jury would go with the eggshell rule…but you’re no normal jury are you? You’re special. You can see right through that EsTaBlIsHeD pReCeDeNcE hogwash and make the REAL right call 😈.”

        And somehow it will work.