Hello comrades and welcome to the second improvement megathread of February! I hope the first week of February has went well for everybody.
- How was your week?
- Do you have any plans for next week?
Poster caption: “We will not allow hatred to be sowed between nations!”
Good luck with your goals!
Off the top, excellent poster choice. I think if you’re trying to self-improve you can’t have hate in your heart. Not hate for yourself, nor hate for yourself. I dig it.
This has been a good week. Good workouts, good readings, good programming. I also opened up my sketch book and drew a stick figure and landscape to plot out how I want to “dream game” to look. It looks bad and terrible but it looks better than nothing. Something is always better than nothing.
I also did a volunteer session at local church doing a meals for the community. Just helped setup tables, and stuff. I talked to people, good souls the bunch of them.
I’m happy with how last week went and I hope to roll that into next week.