The landlord had told them he wanted to raise the rent to $3,500 and when they complained he decided to raise it to $9,500.

“We know that our building is not rent controlled and this was something we were always worried about happening and there is no way we can afford $9,500 per month," Yumna Farooq said.

    • Otter
      2 years ago

      Regardless of who is in the right or wrong here, please don’t post personally identifiable information if the source is not public.

      While it’s important to push for justice and fairness, there’s a distinction between advocating for fairness and doxxing / calling for mob justice. We don’t have formal rules for this stuff yet, but use your best judgment and report any comments that veer into harmful territory.

      I’ll try to post a discussion thread on proposed rules sometime in the future, but this seems like a good one to bring up in the meantime. Feel free to share thoughts, and thank you :)

      • Cyborganism
        492 years ago

        Maybe not here, maybe not us. But that landlord’s name ought to be made public by the media.

      -1012 years ago

      Before mobbing the landlord, it would be a good idea to know what’s the real story behind this. Maybe the sisters were assholes. We don’t know that.

          22 years ago

          Haha, I’m not! But I would be intrigued to know what’s the real reason behind the landlord’s move. I know we like to believe that all landlord are assholes but let’s love in reality where nuance is everything shall we ?

      • No landlord is a good person. The sisters, even if assholes, doesn’t excuse the fact that the landlord is also an asshole simply by being a landlord.

          32 years ago

          Ok, no landlord are good person. What kind of argument is this ? Like, literally? I know some are asshole ? But some a very kind and appreciative too? What’s your point ? No one should be allowed to rent their property ever ?

          • You’re trying to pretend landlords only exist in a vacuum instead of in society where people can’t afford the necessities for basic survival. Landlords play a huge role in making sure housing prices are above a “natural” level, all while contributing no productive value to society. There’s a reason why plenty of capitalists are against rentiers.

              22 years ago

              My position is like the most nuanced in the world while.yours is the most radical. Landlord maintains their assets while the renter does not have to think about it. That’s the benefit of being a renter and that’s why there is a market. Stop being radical, it does not help at all.

            • MolochAlter
              22 years ago

              Not that guy but: your reasoning in terms of economics shows the nuance and depth of a toddler, therefore you’re either 5 years old or a commie.

              Answering their question clears up which one it is.

              • Plenty of capitalists believe that people like rentiers, i.e. landlords, are an abomination to an economy. You don’t know much about economics, do you?

                • MolochAlter
                  22 years ago

                  I know no fucking capitalist would bring “being a good person” into a conversation about economics, which you clearly don’t, so…

                    -22 years ago

                    Then you don’t know a lot of people nor know much about economics. Economics isn’t separated from the rest of society, it exists within society. The world is full of capitalists who also have opinions on what is and isn’t good and moral and know that people spending that money attributes to goodness and badness. For example, this is how taxes are often used, to incentivize good behavior and penalize bad behavior.

                    I think you need to spend sometime away from the internet and start talking to actual human beings around you, as you seem to be stuck in some weird anarcho-capitalist online bubble.

        -992 years ago

        Ya. It sounds like they wanted to raise the rent to $3500 which the landlord clearly thought was being reasonable for this building. They bitched about it so the landlord raised the rent high enough to get rid of them.

        Sounds like the gambled and lost. Instead of going to the news, they should have tried to negotiate back to $3500 or something close. Good luck now.

            -752 years ago

            This really depends. If the building is rentable for 5000 than it is. Like it or not.

              312 years ago

              If 2500 was reasonable back then, then it still is reasonable right now.

              Unless gigantic upgrades were performed to the house that warrant a 1000 price hike, which I highly doubt.

              Just because the market is fucked doesn’t mean you get to make the market even worse.

                12 years ago

                Except the price of food building materials renovation costs went up by about 100% where i live realistically. So a landlord isn’t going to just take the fact that their 2500 whatever is now only worth 1700 whatevers.

                2 years ago

                If accepting a lease on a post-2018 construction, knowing that no rent control was in force, was reasonable then, it is still reasonable now. Live with your choices.

                  122 years ago

                  This isn’t living with ones own choices. This is having others choices thrust into you and having to deal with their greed.

                    2 years ago

                    There is no obligation to enter into a tenancy knowing that the landlord can jack the prices up on a whim. There is plenty of choice – one can opt to move into a unit constructed before 2018 instead, or, in newer construction, one can make it a contractual condition of the tenancy to have an independently negotiated “rent control” in force.

                    To ignore all of that at the time and then cry about it later because the risk taken didn’t work out is just plain antisocial behaviour. We invented contract law exactly to prevent these kinds of surprises. If you want to play some other stupid game instead, expect to win stupid prizes.

                • erg
                  22 years ago

                  having no rent control is never reasonable. People only accepted places without rent control because all other options are shit too

                    2 years ago

                    Exactly. To accept a lease on a property that you know doesn’t have automatic rent control, and to not contractually obligate the landlord to long-term price controls in that rental agreement, is reckless. They took the high risk gamble and lost. Such is life. But to then complain that their high risk scheme, which was done to screw over other renters who are more careful, didn’t work out is plain antisocial behaviour.

              242 years ago

              You like profiting from others misery. It’s not illegal and it’s not generally even frowned upon but it’s still shitty and you have to own it

              • utopianrevolt
                32 years ago

                You forgot to add an overly pretentious “like it or not” at the end of your reply.

            • Cyborganism
              192 years ago

              You realize that there’s people living in these apartments right? You know there’s a housing crisis right now that’s fueled by housing investors from all over the world and shit like Airbnb and corporate greed, right?