• Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    29 months ago

    Have the same problem, except i’m the one that tend to drift away from everyone(like a hermit, but crab, hermit crab? 🦀), and have to force myself to spend time with others to prevent that(or to delay the inevitable 💀). Have been drifted away from secondary school friend and college friend before, both due to distance and difference in socmed platform, i think it’s happening again and i can’t stop it 💀

    • @NaomikhoA
      9 months ago


      I drifted away from most friends from school since they aren’t the type who are active on socmed(or they all have their own group chats in Whatsapp or somewhere, because I wasn’t the most liked person in school), but fortunately I’m still good with my uni mates and some online friends circles. I did get kicked out of one circle for being too inactive, but I don’t play the same games with them anymore and don’t share common interests with them(other than the game we used to play) so it was hard to catch up. In my case, it’s more of a time issue because I have a lot of personal activities.

      I think friends that stay the longest are those who you can just share anything with, even the lamest shit ever and they won’t care that much.

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        19 months ago

        Yeah, same, for me it’s kinda i don’t have the time and the timing usually not allow me to have outing, and the distance didn’t help too. Kinda miss the time i could hangout with a bunch of friend doing absolutely nothing in car till midnight, just lying there lol.

        • @NaomikhoA
          19 months ago

          aw yeah distance is always a problem :( I got a wfh job opportunity, but I wouldn’t move home because all my friends are in kl/selangor ;_;