What are you guys currently reading?

I just finished Sebastian De Castell’s The Malevolent Seven and damn it was good, although in the first quarter I wondered if I really wanted to be reading it. Wish the next was already out, but thankfully the author is quite prolific.

About to start Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary based on a blind recommendation. Never read The Martian, I’m not so much into scifi usually, mostly into fantasy and historical fiction but there are exceptions so I’m gonna give it a go.

  • Penang Kia
    31 year ago

    Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker :) The book is so long, but it’s a tightly plotted book, so am enjoying it.

    • @casocial
      11 year ago

      Warbreaker’s my first Sanderson book! It’s still my favourite of his.

      • Penang Kia
        11 year ago

        Have you read Elantris? That was good too 😁

        • @casocial
          11 year ago

          Yep, I’m a pretty big fantasy fan so I’m no stranger to Sanderson haha. Besides those two, I also finished Mistborn Era 1, but haven’t kept up with the more recent series.