Karaoke lovers rejoice! The promo last for whole October. The price is RM10 plus service charge and SST, which makes it RM 11.60 per 2 hours. The promo applies if you sing more than 2 hours too.(e.g. if you go for 4 hrs they’ll charge you 23.60)

  • @NaomikhoOPA
    211 months ago

    Uh, sorry? This Instance is mainly for Malaysians, and the cafe is kinda for any kind of talk. This is a Karaoke promotion that’s going on right now in here. I apologize that I wrote the post badly in a way that made it sound like an ad.

    • @weecious
      211 months ago

      Girl, you don’t have to apologise to him at all. Imagine the audacity of him coming to a different instance and demand things to be run a certain way. Bloody entitled.