What are you guys currently reading?

I just finished Sebastian De Castell’s The Malevolent Seven and damn it was good, although in the first quarter I wondered if I really wanted to be reading it. Wish the next was already out, but thankfully the author is quite prolific.

About to start Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary based on a blind recommendation. Never read The Martian, I’m not so much into scifi usually, mostly into fantasy and historical fiction but there are exceptions so I’m gonna give it a go.

  • @dcxA
    2 years ago

    Fun question! I’m trying to increase my diet of nonfiction lately. I just finished Andre Agassi’s Open, which was amazing. He’s so honest. You really internalise a feeling that the people who stand on top of the world are still normal humans with doubts and flaws and messed up parents.

    I’m about two thirds through Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind, which is about the evolution of moral instincts. The “moral tastebuds” and the differences between liberal and conservative morality in this regard were really eye-opening (wiki summary).

    Fiction: Just re-read Ted Chiang’s Understand last week while procrastinating in bed. Asian-American sci-fi is the besstt