What are you guys currently reading?

I just finished Sebastian De Castell’s The Malevolent Seven and damn it was good, although in the first quarter I wondered if I really wanted to be reading it. Wish the next was already out, but thankfully the author is quite prolific.

About to start Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary based on a blind recommendation. Never read The Martian, I’m not so much into scifi usually, mostly into fantasy and historical fiction but there are exceptions so I’m gonna give it a go.

  • @siewyukOP
    22 years ago

    I just gave up on Project Hail Mary. Yup, still not so keen on sci-fi. So happens one of my preorders on Google Play Books just showed up in my library today, Brandon Sanderson’s secret project #3, Yuni and the Nightmare Painter, so I’ve started that. Title sounds like some kinda romance but as usual, his books just suck you in.

    I may do a reread of either his Mistborn series or Christian Cameron’s Long War Series next.

    A couple more new books that I preordered will be dropping next month, looking forward to those too.