• @masquenox@lemmy.world
    -177 months ago

    Hamas is wrong?

    Seems to me as if they are the only ones lifting a finger against the white supremacist settler-colonialist state that is threatening Palestinians with extermination.

    • @thedirtyknapkin@lemmy.world
      237 months ago

      sure, but if you look at literally ANYTHING ELSE about them you’ll see what we mean.

      they’re a far right religious extremist organization that wants for Palestine what the Taliban is doing in Afghanistan. they don’t want to stop oppression, they just think it’s affecting the wrong people right now. that region well not get less shitty with them in power.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        -247 months ago

        you’ll see what we mean.

        No, I know perfectly what you mean - your pro-Israeli propaganda is failing rapidly, and your only other option is to resort to “both-sideism.”

        As long as Hamas is the only organization willing to actively oppose the white supremacist settler-colonialist state, their ideology is actually irrelevant because Hamas is the lesser evil here - you understand “lesser evil-ism,” right?

        We can talk all day long why Israel funded Hamas or why the existence of the Taliban can be blamed on the US, but that doesn’t change anything - Hamas is the lesser evil here.

        • @thedirtyknapkin@lemmy.world
          117 months ago

          I’m not saying they’re the same. one is clearly worse. I’m saying it’s probably a bad idea to fund and legitimize an extremist religious government like them. in fact, your point about the US being to blame for the taliban is EXACTLY the point. this is the lesson we need to learn from that. we funded and armed them against what we saw as a greater threat and so we looked past the ideologies of those we supported. if we support and legitimize hamas we’ll be doing the exact same thing again.

          I’m definitely not saying we should support Israel, I’m not saying we shouldn’t help Palestine, I’m just saying we need to be careful.

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            -27 months ago

            against what we saw as a greater threat

            What “we” saw as a greater threat? Middle-eastern nationalism? Exactly how did middle-eastern people not living under the yoke of exploitative white supremacist empires threaten you?

            and so we looked past the ideologies of those we supported.

            Doesn’t look like it to me. Looks to me like the US’s “leaders” looked at these far-right fundamentalists and decided they were the perfect tool to kill off Arab nationalism and make the middle-east a safe space for the capitalists to loot and plunder with impunity. After all… the overtly nazi-loving fascism of the regimes the US sicced on Latin America was exactly what the US political establishment liked about them. It didn’t exactly turn out in the middle-east as they had planned… but I sure don’t see the military-industrial complex complaining about the current situation much.

            if we support and legitimize hamas we’ll be doing the exact same thing again.

            Why? Because Hamas has made it perfectly clear that they won’t be the puppets of the very people that sicced this white supremacist settler-colonial state on the Palestinians? That’s a mark in their favor - not one against them.

        • @TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works
          7 months ago

          The choice is between a white supremacist settler state, and an Islamic supremacy group that wants to force everyone else to live under Sharia law. There is nothing good here, it’s all shit all the way down. Israel sucks ass and I completely understand why Hamas is lashing out against them. It is absolutely deserved.

          I just don’t understand how you could root for Hamas, unless you are a conservative Muslim who wants to force everyone else to obey Islam. Root for the Palestinian people, but fuck Hamas and its cultists. They aren’t helping their nation at all. They are making things even worse for their own people.

          It is completely possible to condemn the actions of Israel and Hamas at the same time. You don’t have to pick a side here, it’s not helping or changing anything except your mental health. Support the innocent people who are caught up in this hellish war, and curse the people perpetuating it.

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            -37 months ago

            The choice is between a white supremacist settler state, and an Islamic supremacy group that wants to force everyone else to live under Sharia law.

            So it’s a choice between a genocidal white supremacist settler colonialist state and the other far-right fundamentalists that was funded and enabled by the genocidal white supremacist settler colonialist state?

            Do tell, Clyde… which one of these represent the closest threat of genocide for Palestinians, eh?

            I just don’t understand how you could root for Hamas,

            It’s really simple - they are the only ones handing out AKs and RPGs.

            They aren’t helping their nation at all. They are making things even worse for their own people.

            So what would you prefer the Palestinians do? Simply accept their extermination quietly?

            You don’t have to pick a side here

            The luxury of not having to pick a side is the most privileged thing there is, Clyde.

            Support the innocent people

            How does your handwringing about innocent people matter in any of this? It’s colonialist warfare, genius - the genocidal people with all the tanks, aircraft and funding does not recognize innocence, only an other that must be exterminated.

            • @TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works
              7 months ago

              You can support the liberation of the Palestinians and the end of the Israeli apartheid without having to support a terroristic and ultra religious regime who’s only solution to the problem is to “kill every jew”. I mean at least you can say that Hamas are more honest about what they want, but that is not an acceptable thing to support. If you support either regime you are advocating for genocide one way or another.

              Hamas would have much more support from the Western world if they didnt target innocent civilians. They are completely justified in fighting for their future, the problem is that their way of going about it is deeply flawed. If you can’t see that then I guess I will just agree to disagree.

              I also know that you are going to say, “but Clyde! Israel targets civilians too. They are starving them to death.” Yea I know. Fuck them. I wish somebody with some real power would actually do something about it, but the world sucks. Hamas is accomplishing nothing but accelerating the Palestinians genocide, though. They aren’t helping their people, they are making their lives worse.

              I also don’t see how constantly going to bat for Hamas on social media is helping their cause in anyway. It just sounds like it would be draining to be the constant contrarian, but idk maybe you are just a bot.

              • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                -37 months ago

                You can support the liberation of the Palestinians

                How does your liberal handwringing “support” Palestinian liberation, Clyde? “Thoughts & Prayers” does not magically turn into AKs and RPGs last time I checked.

                “kill every jew”.

                Really? Is this what you are referring to?

                Hamas would have much more support from the Western world if they didnt target innocent civilians.

                It’s really funny to me that you think the west has ever cared about innocent civilians.

                Hamas is accomplishing nothing but accelerating the Palestinians genocide, though.

                If it wasn’t for Hamas you wouldn’t even have noticed the Palestinian genocide.

    • Deceptichum
      127 months ago


      Hamas are right wing religious ethno-nationalists who haven’t even allowed an election in 20 years.

      There’s a reason Netanyahu and other far-right Israelis keep propping up Hamas and weakening the PLO.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        -87 months ago

        and weakening the PLO.

        Yeah, I remember the PLO - people just like you were calling them “terrorists” back in the 70s and 80s, too.

        Anyone that resists white supremacism and colonialism must be a “terrorist” - isn’t that so?

        • Deceptichum
          107 months ago

          Have I used the word terrorist once?

          Stop making up strawmen to fight.

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            -107 months ago

            Oh, you don’t have to - there’s nothing about your “moderate” politics that aren’t predictable. Nothing new about it, either.

            • Deceptichum
              57 months ago

              Oh no the right winger is calling me moderate for not supporting fascists.

              • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                -27 months ago

                Oh no the right-winger is pretending not to be a right-winger.

                Why do right-wingers not like being called right-wingers, eh?

                Please explain.

                  • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                    -27 months ago

                    You’re the one condemning people resisting a white supremacist settler-colonialist state, Clyde - not me.

                    The use of force against a white supremacist settler-colonialist state is justified by default - your liberal sensibilities do not matter.

    • @wahming
      87 months ago

      2 wrongs don’t make a right. Neither side should be proud of their actions here

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        -127 months ago

        Neither side should be proud of their actions here

        Oh, I don’t know about that… Hamas’ attack has led to the first large-scale failure of the pro-Israeli propaganda machine in the west in four decades - the hysterically fascist reaction of the US political establishment to this propaganda failure is pretty self-evident.

        I’d say Hamas have managed to achieve something quite momentous.

    • There are many Palestinian groups calling for peace through non-violence. They are doing plenty of stuff. Maybe it gives Hamas a good PR to look like they are the ones “doing something” while the rest of us Palestinians do what? stand there and hold their beers? Please.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        27 months ago

        groups calling for peace through non-violence.

        I’m going to assume you’ll have no problem showing me how this vaunted “non-violence” has worked against genocidal imperialism in the past. Should be plenty of examples around, shouldn’t there?

        • It doesn’t work so well, but I don’t mean not using weapons… Just not having to force the civilian population to arm themselves. The UN needs peacekeeping forces to protect Palestinians, and I’m not opposed to any army taking on the IDF.