• Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    31 year ago

    My garden got soooooo many millipede i must’ve killed a lot of them just by walking around 😐

    • @seacat
      21 year ago

      Means you have healthy soil right? Bestnya…

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        31 year ago

        Can’t say healthy, just a lot of compost because i have a huge pile just sitting there 🙈

        And a lot of grass to hide in because i lazy 🙈

        They also like feasting on the potting soil as i see them hanging around my watermelon

        • @seacat
          21 year ago

          Sounds healthy to me! How long will it take until you can harvest it

          • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
            21 year ago

            Idk, maybe a month or so more, it’s quite big now but there’s still a lot more to grow

            • @seacat
              11 year ago

              I like that we’re both expecting 😂 can’t wait to see your first harvest!

              • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
                21 year ago

                Both are babies 🙈 yeah, really can’t wait

                Can’t wait for yours too 👉👈

    • @weecious
      11 year ago

      No… Ah pede 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

        • @ruk_n_rul
          01 year ago

          so it’s not an im-pede-ment for you. I wish I’m not as squirmish 🙃

    • just another rakyat
      11 year ago

      I had a millipede infestation at one point too, although they are harmless to mature plants, I noticed that I wasn’t able to germinate any seeds when they were around. I believe they eat sensitive seedlings (though maybe larger seedlings will be ok)

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        11 year ago

        Hmm, yeah they do chomp on those too, since seedling is softened it’vs easier to be eaten. But i usually just germinate in the tray before transplant so i didn’t have this problem.

        • just another rakyat
          11 year ago

          On the bright side, they might be helping you get rid of unwanted weed before they germinate.

          • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
            11 year ago

            Well they did a terrible job then, still a lot of weed in my garden lol

            But i appreciate their existence, i like having a healthy ecosystem within the garden, used to be pretty dead just after development.