I’m thinking I would go with either, “swing it, baby” or “right on, sister!”

So, like-

“Mr. Nartik, set course for Tau Alpha III. Warp six.”

“Course laid in, sir.”

“Right on, sister!”

This would be the 23rd or 24th century gender-neutral form of the word sister, obviously.

  • Admiral Patrick
    11 months ago

    I need to go back and watch Prodigy. I started it but didn’t get past the first few episodes. Didn’t dislike it, but was busy IRL at the time and just haven’t gone back to watch the rest.

    Crusher also pilots the Enterprise in that bubble universe she was stuck in, but I think that was more telling the computer to do it (memory is fuzzy on the specifics of that episode which is ironically titled ‘Remember Me’).

    • Flying SquidOPM
      711 months ago

      I felt the same way about Prodigy, especially because the first two or three episodes are a bit shaky, but once it gets going, it’s pretty great.