I’m thinking I would go with either, “swing it, baby” or “right on, sister!”
So, like-
“Mr. Nartik, set course for Tau Alpha III. Warp six.”
“Course laid in, sir.”
“Right on, sister!”
This would be the 23rd or 24th century gender-neutral form of the word sister, obviously.
(But how do they plot a course?)
I love the theory that these guys are basically the origins of the Borg. They kept gathering technology that they didn’t understand and at one point the technology took over them, then time travel or some non-sense sent one of their ships back in time, boom! Borg born.
Edit: Also the image of them being like “We are smart Borg. Resistance is dumb. You will give us your stuff.” is definitely the best part of this theory
Haha. I never heard that before, but it’s great.
Although, considering they blew up Pakled Planet by accident, I don’t know that they would survive long enough to do it.
I absolutely love that as well
I’m not going to tell Captain Reno how to run their ship, but I really don’t think Dr. Culber should be at the helm.
Ha. Medical officer at the helm is really stretching the limits of the omnidisciplinary scienteist/doctor character.
That said, the Kobiyashi Maru episode of Prodigy had holographic Beverly Crusher as First Officer.
Mainly because they couldn’t get anyone else, but…
I need to go back and watch Prodigy. I started it but didn’t get past the first few episodes. Didn’t dislike it, but was busy IRL at the time and just haven’t gone back to watch the rest.
Crusher also pilots the Enterprise in that bubble universe she was stuck in, but I think that was more telling the computer to do it (memory is fuzzy on the specifics of that episode which is ironically titled ‘Remember Me’).
I felt the same way about Prodigy, especially because the first two or three episodes are a bit shaky, but once it gets going, it’s pretty great.
She commanded the Enterprise during Descent, so she’s obviously gone through the process to qualify to stand watch at some point in the past. She takes out a Borg ship, so she’s pretty good at it, too.
Sure, but it was mainly because they couldn’t get anyone else.
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Whelp, it’s about that time.
[Gently slap thighs]The ship will actually depart in about 45 minutes.
“Punch it Chewie”
“Excuse me, sir. I may be from Mexico, but my name is not Chuy and I take great offense at you assuming it is.”
“Let’s-a-go !” 🍄
It’s-a me! Captain Mario!
“So long, Gay Bowser!”
Take off, you hozer!
Negative is captain of the USS Poutine.
Its continuing mission: to explore strange new ice rinks; to seek out new syrup and new ways to apologize to everyone; to coldly go where no one has gone before.
To resurrect an old thread:
Now this show has a ready-made theme song!
Every time they warp, that song is played. It’s perfect!
“Let’s Mosey”
The only Star Trek show with a theme dominated by banjo.
(Faith of the Heart Banjo Cover)
Of course that’s a thing that exists.
I didn’t think I could hate the banjo. I was wrong.
🎶Let’s do the waaarp thiiing agaaaaiiin 🎶
I like Ortegas’ version: ¡Vamos! But i would put my own spin on it with a little bit of Data.
I’d say “Vamoose, ya little varmint!”
That is not how Commander Data formulates his speech patterns, sir.
“Let’s get it on.”
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“Wake me when we stop”
- Steve