• @force@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Lol wtf are you on about. It’s realistic to you that people can have PTSD, hyperphantasia, photographic memory, schizophrenia, bipolar, blindness/deafness, multiple sclerosis, and all these other otherworldy experiences which most people wouldn’t believe without being educated on it, but not realistic that a portion of people have deficient or non-existent mental imagery? Or even that a portion of people have ADHD?

    I seriously doubt that you know better than neuroscience&psychology researchers and people who have the disorder but alright.

    Also aphantasia isn’t “no remember thingies”. Memory is complex and it isn’t reliant on your ability to project images into your vision.

    I have never been able to actually mentally visualize something, I always thought “imagine being in your happy place” was a metaphor and not that you’re actually supposed to visualize a place. I have always took “visualize” to mean not literally putting it in your vision, but just thinking about the fact of a situation. The closest I have to actually being able to picture an image/object is dreams and sleep paralysis hallucinations lol. No amount of caffeine or concerta could possibly change that. You’re crazy if you think because you can’t imagine it that there’s a conspiracy of “so-called aphantasiacs and medical researchers” who are lying about the existence of lacking mental imagery.

    I’m curious as to where you allegedly saw aphantasia being “debunked” because all there seems to be is crazies on internet forums (specifically, Reddit and ycombinator) who notably aren’t psychology researchers, have no qualifications regarding the matter, and are just random people who want to feel like they cracked the code. Often times it’s people who have never been able to visualize who think their deficiency of mental imagery is the norm and that most other people have never been able to visualize either.

    I’m also curious as to whether you think developmental/congenital prosopagnosia is fake or if it’s just a phase like you think aphantasia is.

    • ivy
      -1411 months ago

      “Neuroscience researchers” but you don’t post a source, just an essay on how invested you are in this being real. Keep huffing that Quanta magazine, buddy. MBTI testing is also horseshit. I didn’t see it “debunked” on Hacker News and Reddit, those are the #1 aphantasia and ADHD havers in the entire world. It’s hilarious you think something less rigorous than IQ testing is on the same level as PTSD

      • @force@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        “Neuroscience researchers” but you don’t post a source, just an essay on how invested you are in this being real.




        These are by Rebecca Keogh (and others), an actual cognitive neuroscience specialist/psychology researcher who has a PhD from one of the most well-regarded universities in Australia. Here they establish that there is real evidence that aphantasiacs lack mental imagery, and finds that there is no evidence backing the claim that “aphantasiacs have mental imagery”. Keogh also has some works that delve deeper into mental imagery and how it’s a spectrum, including aphantasiacs and hyperphantasiacs.

        Paper by Liana Palermo, PhD in cognitive neuroscience and specialist in mental imagery research, who very bluntly accepts the existence of multiple types of aphantasia & hyperphantasia

        This paper by CJ Dance addresses the prevalence of aphantasia and how it is, again, a spectrum, and discredits the idea that it isn’t simply an impairment in metacognition, rather it is an isolated deficit in visual imagery.

        Here’s a paper involving MANY medical, psychology, and neuroscience researchers which goes over aphantasia and hyperphantasia research, and has many citations to papers that affirm the existence of aphantasia.

        A paper by a STEM/IM researcher finding evidence for deficits in mathematic visualization in aphantasiacs.

        Paolo Bartolomeo is a highly accreddited neurologist & researcher, and Jianghao Liu is a cognitive neuroscience researcher (PhD) with specialization in visual mental imagery and consciousness. The paper clearly states the existence of a disorder causing absent or nearly absent visual imagery called aphantasia.

        Here’s Cleveland Clinic casually affirming its existence too.

        I shouldn’t even have to give sources because I’m not the one claiming an abnormality in visual imagery is fake but here you go anyways.

        It literally comes up immediately when you search for aphantasia research. You clearly have not even tried to find research on aphantasia. Now where are your sources? I notice you didn’t link any, at all.

        MBTI testing is also horseshit.

        ??? Where in the god damn fuck did I mention MBTI or personality tests in general in my original comment?

        I didn’t see it “debunked” on Hacker News and Reddit, those are the #1 aphantasia and ADHD havers in the entire world.

        And yet you don’t mention where you “saw it debunked”, just stating that you totally did bro.

        It’s hilarious you think something less rigorous than IQ testing is on the same level as PTSD

        Again, you are being crazy, you are quite literally making up arguments to attack out of your ass.

        I don’t know why you decided this is the hill for you to die on despite you clearly having no idea of what you’re talking about and most respected psychology & neuroscience/cognition researchers who have tackled the subject clearly not being aligned with your views on the matter at all, and what makes you think you have any authority to just call a scientifically measured and agreed-to -exist phenomenon fake, but go ahead and have a tantrum and pretend you know anything about the subject I guess.

        If you respond with internet magazines or a shitty YouTube video essay as your source I’m gonna laugh myself to asphyxiation

        • @Jorgelino@lemmy.ml
          311 months ago

          Does Aphantasia also cause the development of superhuman levels of patience? Because my dude, i don’t know how you managed to entertain this troll for as long as you have. This whole thread was highly entertaining though, so thanks for that, lol.

          (I know it goes deeper but i didn’t want to bury my comment that far down)

          • @force@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            It’s extremely funny unblocking his profile once and seeing him on other random posts and replying to random comments threads I’m in, calling video game players mentally deficient, saying the people that are replying to him and downvoting him are bots (people obviously being extremely confused as to wtf his rambling has to do with the thread and scolding him for following users and harassing them), spam replying some random German dude and calling him my alt for no apparent reason, just in general being extremely obsessive/delusional over the comments. His meltdown alone was worth this comment thread lmfaooo. He’s paranoid as hell of everyone on the site now and lives in fear that all the users he interacts with may just be me in disguise, it’s glorious

        • ivy
          11 months ago

          Psychology Today has done a number on you, what a frantically googling moron, the first study has N=15, it’s entirely based on self-diagnosis and surveys. They want to come up with a neurological basis for it based off fifteen people self-reporting fuck off lmfao.

          Oh wow she has a PHD??? We have to listen to her obviously. I hate pseuds and their credentialism hahahaha you’re full of it

          Can’t wait to see the second one.

          This is like when my sister decided she was a super taster and that cilantro tastes like soap.

          I never said I was particularly impressed with the rigor of ALL NEUROSCIENTISTS, they are as bad as physicists involved with string theory. Unfalsifiable nonsense. This is the kind of shit I’m talking about when I trash the entire field of “smart science” that’s been picked up by TPOT and Lesswrong and other pseuds.

          saw it debunked

          Oh you want me to prove aphantasia isn’t real lol, no wonder you have trouble with things like this where people play word games, you’re completely devoid of logic. The onus is on you, and neuroscientists, to prove it exists.

          What you did is go pull every paper you could possibly find which reinforces your identity.

          • @force@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Buddy you’re coping so hard. You said you saw a reliable source debunk aphantasia, and now you’ve been caught in your lie and you’re trying to weasel your way out. Some of these papers also have pools of various phantasiacs in the hundreds to thousands. A few of the sources clearly state (and give a source for) tens of thousands of people having been diagnosed with aphantasia.

            Where is this “debunking” you said you saw? Is your angle now just “scientists are wrong and bad and having actual evidence on different levels of mental visual imagery is fake news, even though I am saying it’s wrong with no knowledge of neuroscience or psychology at all”?

            • ivy
              -611 months ago

              Many people are diagnosed with “ADHD” too idiot, it’s just a sleep disruption disorder. I’m talking about meta analysis of studies on people with aphantasia, because studies are all like the crap you just posted. People don’t just slurp up every study they can find on Google you fucking idiot… Did you think I meant “Mythbusters” style takedown? I bet you want a youtube video. You could cure your “aphantasia” by reading books before bed instead of using the computer, but you won’t. That’s what I mean psychology is such a clown shoes “science”. You’d rather stay up late reading this shit than actually try to improve your health. It’s a disease a lot like ADHD.

              • @force@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                Ah so now you’re just going on a tangent in a desperate attempt to drive the conversation away from where you’ve been established to be wrong according to an ocean of credible researchers on the subject.

                Many people are diagnosed with “ADHD” too idiot, it’s just a sleep disruption disorder.

                Oh my God this cannot be real. Now you can find a thousand papers with a sample size you’ll like which very much establish your view as idiotic. But let me guess, the scientists are wrong and you’re right despite not being a medical researcher or even a medical professional at all? What authority do you think you have on this?

                The fact is that the burden of proof is on you considering you’re arguing against established psychology/neuroscience research in the field that has had qualified researchers agreeing to the existence of. You can not just pull “science is wrong” out of your ass.

                You are a bad liar. You have no evidence to your claims and the entire argument you make is “just trust me bro, even if the scientific community disagrees with me and I can’t find a source for my incorrect claims I still totally am right”.

                • ivy
                  -711 months ago

                  You’re grandstanding, but I’m just trying to get through what I mean to you. There’s no point in deliberately misinterpreting it lol.

                  An ocean of “credible researchers” gave us “adhd” a disorder where kids who don’t sleep enough get treated with amphetamines, yes. It’s not a tangent, it’s a direct comparison to a huge scandal taking place in psychology psychiatry and neuroscience. They have no responsibility to isolate whatever they study from environmental causes. So they just end up looking for genetic associations where there are none. Don’t sleep enough, it gets harder to FOCUS, not only on schoolwork, but your imagination itself. Are you starting to “get the picture”? 😁

                  • @force@lemmy.world
                    511 months ago

                    There is no way you’re actually being real at this point. Do you have any qualifications in medical research (if so state the qualifications), and have you ever written a paper studying neuroscience or even had higher education on the matter? Do you think you are more credible on the matter than ADHD&Autism experts and specialists in mental imagery? Don’t flood your comment with other bullshit noise, just answer those two questions.

        • ivy
          -1011 months ago

          This is the problem with the I Fucking Love Science crowd, your fun facts quickly turn into barrages of narcissistic gibberish whenever someone doesn’t give you validation. There’s no rigor, there’s no questioning, there’s no meta-analysis.

          Just TRUST THE SCIENTISTS, LOOK AT THE STUDIESESS nevermind whether they’re any good. Go post about the Stanford Prison Experiment or something you irritating pseud.

          • @force@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Oh so your actual stance is “science isn’t real”. LMAO. You’re so pathetic, you actually think there’s a conspiracy by dozens of some very well-known and trusted neuroscience/psychology researchers on the subject, even specialists in the field (some of which have aphantasia themselves) to make up aphantasia?

            “If I don’t like the ocean of sources and independent research, I’ll just disregard it, even if I have no evidence myself for my claim.”

            • ivy
              11 months ago

              You’re a fucking moron, you know what you just did, you went and googled “aphantasia” and posted everything that came up because I made you mad by telling you to live more healthily and look at plants and sleep better and see if you magically get the ability to imagine an apple back.

              Studies get meta-analysis on them all the time and get questioned en masse, that’s how science works. Is every scientist who does meta analysis on studies now a conspiracy theorist? 🤣😂

              • @force@lemmy.world
                711 months ago

                You are a dumbass, multiple of the studies are meta-analyses and many very clearly state that the group studied are otherwise healthy individuals.

                You have no evidence for your BS claims and that makes you mad.

                • ivy
                  -911 months ago

                  Lol you clearly don’t understand what I’m saying. Yes, and there are other meta-analyses of aphantasia studies which explore how bad the data is. You can also have a meta-analysis that says “wow, look at all of this data, isn’t it amazing?” you only want to do B. Our whole definition of a healthy individual is flawed. When testosterone levels drop nationwide, that becomes the new normal threshold for people administering testosterone therapy, for instance. Everyone has sleep problems from a sedentary lifestyle nowadays, starting in school, and that’s when they get diagnosed with ADHD.

                  • @force@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    and there are other meta-analyses of aphantasia studies which explore how bad the data is.

                    Multiple of the studies (including ones I linked) suggest that there isn’t as much data on the subject as there is on other disorders since mental imagery has only recently started being explored in-depth, but where exactly do you see any that suggest that aphantasia isn’t real or that the lack of data establishes no consensus on the existence of aphantasia? Because a “debunking” would do that, but all of the meta-analyses I’ve come across still accept the existence of aphantasia as a chronic disorder.

                    Pretty funny how you make these grandiose claims but never have a source. Your only source is Reddit threads on people saying it’s not real lol.

        • ivy
          -1111 months ago

          If there is anything keeping people from having solid visualizations throughout the day, it’s not sleeping enough. It’s a night-and day difference in mental imagery. None of these studies control for anything like that or sleep, which really just shows you how hard they are fishing for something which isn’t there. A lot of sleep issues are totally incurable without switching to back sleeping, getting rid of lint (people refuse to do this), and eliminating a sedentary lifestyle. Now if you tried to do studies on people like that you wouldn’t be able to find any. But I can tell you I’ve experienced “aphantasia” and it’s cured by getting a good night’s sleep. A lot of people never get a good night’s sleep ever.

          • @force@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Keep evading and making BS claims that you said you had sources for, despite you not having sources. Nobody’s buying your pseudoscientific anti-science drivel, go huff some minerals or something.

            You said you had sources for “aphantasia is real”. Where are they? You think you can lie that easily and wiggle your way out of it? Clearly they’re very established in your memory since you’re so confident that it’s a total debunking of aphantasia.

            • ivy
              -811 months ago

              These sources are evidence of how nonsensical the studies on “aphantasia” are. Bunch of self-reporting nonsense. It’s like how they just gave up on autism and let anyone claim they have it for studies. You’re useless, you’re just making the science worse with your desire to take online personality tests.