With the post auto-schedule feature now available on MonyetBot, we can schedule daily/weekly threads for our communities!

Please leave a comment or drop me a message on here/discord if you would like to request a daily/weekly thread for your community!

    • Penang Kia
      12 years ago

      Yea that would be great! Right now I don’t see the option, so you have to enable that for me?

      • Annoyed_🦀 A
        12 years ago

        Yup, we’ll set up for you 👌

        What day you prefer for it to refresh?

        • Penang Kia
          12 years ago

          Currently I just have a post monthly. Do you think it’s best to have weekly ones?

          • Annoyed_🦀 A
            12 years ago

            Yup, It’s better to have it refresh it weekly so it shows up once in a while in the frontpage