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        • @spez
          11 year ago

          but for real being able to create unlimited accounts because email is optional is dangerous. I know the site is still in early stage but mods should look into this.

          • Annoyed_🦀 A
            11 year ago

            You can do a throwaway email and all socmed won’t know anyway.

            • @spez
              11 year ago

              I was talking about identity theft actually. Should’ve made that clearer.

              This is a new site but most of you migrated from Reddit which some of you already have established usernames for years. Many of those usernames are still available for grab. Not everyone is leaving Reddit.

              I know mods probably don’t have much control over this so just trying to give PSA. Only matter of time until the trolls from land of boleh come causing troubles.

              just be careful. Identify theft is not a joke.

              • Spez
              • @LeafValley
                11 year ago

                Oh gosh… The irony is so tasty…. XD

      • @solus
        11 year ago
