Hello c/games. I have some games I’d like to giveaway. They are of varying quality, and I would rather give them to people who will actually play them rather than letting them gather cyber dust in my digital library. Some of them are shovelware no doubt. Others, just not my type of game. Some are games pretty rad.
That said I would like to giveaway to others. I would encourage you to compile a list of games you may have massed through various bundles you don’t think you’d play and share them with others. Just spread a little joy to other people by giving away something you don’t want to some who may very much want it. It’s a win-win and we can all become big communism builders through the act of sharing.
For simplicity’s sake it’ll be first come first serve. I simply ask you only ask for games that you want and will play. One per person to keep things fair. If the key doesn’t work I apologize, I don’t mean to swindle or mislead anyone. It may have expired or some other DRM related trickery.
To protect against bots and webscrappers I’ll be DM’ing the keys to comrades rather than posting publicly.
A Story About My Uncle- Crossbow: Bloodnight
DarksidersMedal of HonorMirror’s Edge- Neon Drive
- Panzer Corps + DLC
WindwardGoing Under- Robothorium: Cyberpunk Dungeon Crawler
- Forward to the Sky
- Hive Jump
- ICY: Frostbite Edition
- Insurgency
- Technobabylon
- Hexcells Complete Pack
Octodad: Dadliest Catch- A Fistful of Gun
NOT A HEROBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Steam Key- Offspring Fling
- Shank 2
- Snapshot
- Closure
I’ll toss my remaining list of obscure, niche, and shovelware keys in here too. DM me if interested in any, all are Steam keys unless noted otherwise:
I also found a couple of 3DS keys in my humble account from a bundle they had ~5 years ago, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t own a 3DS at the time so these might still be valid if didn’t give them away to friends back then. I can’t remember for shit if I did or not, but if you have a 3DS are are interested in giving these keys a try before the eshop closes in a couple days, DM me:
Yo, is Book of Demons still up for grabs? Looks cool.