He really set his career on fire in a really short amount of time. He went from being an A-lister with a lot of potential for multiple Oscar wins to being a four-letter word practically overnight. Didn’t he also just finish filming Apocalypto around this time? I remember he had a big budget film completely bomb due to his antics.
yeah, the apocalypto thing was wack. in the pre-releaae pressers he went out of his way to make sure the only interpretation anyone should have of the story was that colonization of latam was God’s will because they were evil and needed saving.
He really set his career on fire in a really short amount of time. He went from being an A-lister with a lot of potential for multiple Oscar wins to being a four-letter word practically overnight. Didn’t he also just finish filming Apocalypto around this time? I remember he had a big budget film completely bomb due to his antics.
yeah, the apocalypto thing was wack. in the pre-releaae pressers he went out of his way to make sure the only interpretation anyone should have of the story was that colonization of latam was God’s will because they were evil and needed saving.