直播带货in Mandarin. I mean it’s just an online and sometimes indie version of CJ Wowshop💀 right? What kind of people want to watch it and actually loving it?

  • Annoyed_🦀 A
    52 years ago

    Ohh a lot lol. My ex used to watch those that sell clothes to both gauge the industry(she’s in fashion) and also buy something that she likes, and some of them do have pretty nice stuff. My cousin used to work on these that sell random household item and the sales is actually better than just listing it.

    Personally not watching these but I think people just like to be “sold”, like instead of reading the label about how good it is, someone is actually there to show you how good it is, and you can interact with them by asking question and get answer right away. Can’t do it will store listing.

  • @dukeGR4
    22 years ago

    they do! I remember that SG guy Wang Lei people tune in to see him get triggered.

    some girls also are very popular, simps love to buy from them.

  • @weecious
    22 years ago

    I watched it once with my sibling’s SO. I think it was during MCO. Quite fun la, but not something I will repeat. My mum did watch a lot of those during MCO and ordered her fishes from those sellers.