The Supreme Court on Tuesday passed up a chance to intervene in the debate over bathrooms for transgender students, rejecting an appeal from an Indiana public school district.

Federal appeals courts are divided over whether school policies enforcing restrictions on which bathrooms transgender students can use violate federal law or the Constitution.

In the case the court rejected without comment, the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an order granting transgender boys access to the boys’ bathroom. The appeal came from the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) southwest of Indianapolis.

    6 months ago

    Why would anyone care where people go the bathroom? Where do you think transsexuals have been going all these years? What nonsense.

    • RedSeries
      886 months ago

      Hey! I appreciate your support, trans rights are human rights!

      In the future, could you please use transgender instead of transexual? The latter is a really dated term and ties a gender and societal issue to sexuality. While they may be closely associated, they’re not the same thing and any little bit helps break that association.

        • RedSeries
          216 months ago

          That’s all anyone can ask of you. It’s appreciated!

        • Cogency
          -176 months ago

          You can also edit your comments, it would be preferred if you would change it so that you aren’t using what many of us consider a slur.

          • hobbicus
            296 months ago

            Would it not be better to leave it as is to teach others? Censoring serves no purpose here and it would prevent people from learning

            • Cogency
              6 months ago

              You can edit in a cross out with two tildas ~ surrounding the word and put the correct word next to it if that’s your style. But it’s still somewhat akin to using the n word for some of us.

              It’s not our word for how we describe ourselves/ what we transition for, when we transition, and it can have nothing to do with sex, mostly, we can be any sexuality.

              That old language centers everything on the fact that people see us as sexual fetishes and not people. Transition is about gender, of which sex sometimes is not even a part, asexuality exists too. Thus the word transgender

              • hobbicus
                86 months ago

                Not disagreeing about the use of the word, just erasing a teaching moment. Fair enough regarding the editing choice though

                • Cogency
                  6 months ago

                  And yet it’s still the most upvoted comment, keeping a slur up that hurts many trans people, but sure the teaching moment is more important than being inaccurate and insulting, but keep patting yourself on the back.

          • Cornpop
            76 months ago

            Alternatively you can collapse the comment and you no longer have to see it.

            16 months ago

            While this is true, editing posts to avoid controversy is weird. They wrote what they wrote and noone can change that. Can’t unsay something, too. This also makes this conversation difficult to read for future passerbys.

      • Cogency
        56 months ago

        Seconded, transgender is more accurate and how we describe ourselves.

          86 months ago

          The one exception is older trans folk who use that label because it is the one that resonated with them when they were figuring themselves out. Despite the label’s history with transmedicalism some of the elders are not down to have their identities questioned by us younger folk and their experiences are valid.

          66 months ago

          The actual word for that is Skoliosexual…

          ( weak and offkey GI Joe theme played on a kazoo as I melt back into the internet)

        • Matt
          6 months ago

          OkCupid has a definition that means someone who wants to align their gender to a biological sex through medical intervention.

        06 months ago

        I think this is goofy. More than half my life I’ve heard the word transexual and I certainly don’t think it’s offensive.

          16 months ago

          Because you are old. Also this is to help young people understand better. We will not convince the fossils.

          Retard used to be the nice word back in the day. Language evolves and people suck. It can be difficult to accept both.

            26 months ago

            I prefer transexual if I’m honest though, Transgender feels flimsier. I’m not trying to transcend the idea of what gender you see, I’m trying to transcend the boundaries of biological sex

            That is implicitly more powerful to me.

    • queermunist she/her
      6 months ago

      They have a whole fantasy conspiracy they’ve cooked up where we’re sneaking in to women’s restrooms to do human trafficking and dark web revenge porn and shit.

        236 months ago

        And that’s the typical projection of the conservatives who revealed that they would do that if they had the ability.

        76 months ago

        If a trans man sneaks into the boys room, everybody in the room spontaneously turns gay.

        If a trans woman sneaks into the girls room, it’s a lesbian orgy.

        I don’t make the facts.

        26 months ago

        I think a bigger concern are regular men using this as an excuse to creep on women in bathrooms.

        At least that’s what I hear women saying. They’re afraid of men using their restrooms.

          56 months ago

          It’s so much easier for a cis man to say he’s a trans man than for a cis man to dress as a woman and try to pass as a trans woman.

          26 months ago

          Not saying you haven’t, but I’ve never once heard a woman afraid of men creeping on women in the bathroom. But I’m curious, aside from someone outside the bathroom doors either checking genitals or birth certificates, how exactly would enforcement of a bathroom bill work?

      • TheaoneAndOnly27
        56 months ago

        I’m reading this super awesome book called “before we were trans” That kind of goes over the history of gender non-conformity and transgender identities. It’s fucking amazing

    • Schwim Dandy
      116 months ago

      I don’t have anything to back it up but I think it’s a large group’s correlation between trans/gay == pedophilia. When I was a kid, my mom(southern baptist republican) didn’t differentiate between gay people and illegal sexual activity like molestation(this was in the 80s). If my mom had been told that a guy that viewed himself as a girl wanted to use the girl’s restroom, she would have immediately decided it was because he wanted to do something terrible to the girls.

      I think the main reason for that is because her God told her gay people were going to hell… It made it easy for her to view them as evil.

      86 months ago

      Worse: they are expending huge amounts of tax dollars over the right to act in a discriminatory way.

      -26 months ago

      It’s frustrating to hear comments about “trans people” or “gay people” or whatever other identifier they choose, the conversation is never about treating them like people. The way they speak would make more sense if they were talking about a stray dog than an actual feeling, thinking person.

      Trans folk are the newest “others,” though it seems that others basket is getting quite full lately.

      Anytime someone in power says anything about needing to protect you from others, they are purposely sowing discord. It is the speaker that is trying to direct your anger away from them and unto the others.

      Everyone is capable of being awesome and assholes. No identifying characteristic makes one anymore likely to be an asshole.

      -26 months ago

      Yeah, fuck your genitals, show me how big your dookies are! Who’s gonna help me start a petition to build a national weekly poopie scoreboard? USA! USA! USA! USA!

      6 months ago

      Women don’t like going to the bathroom with men.

      They tolerate it on campgrounds, but not places of business that they frequent often.

        66 months ago

        You keep saying this, but you don’t speak for all women. I am a woman who does not care one flying fuck if the other ladies in the restroom were born with a penis, a vagina, or some variation thereof. I care much more about whether they flush & wipe the seat.

        I’m certain you’re not conflating trans with violent, right?? Or sticking up for people who do?

          • queermunist she/her
            6 months ago

            No, actually, as transfem the only time anyone ever confronted me about the bathroom I used was a man before I switched. Evidently I was freaking guys out at the urinals 😅

        26 months ago

        I’m a woman and I don’t care. I’ve been in the bathroom with men before and even had a nice conversation with them. Do I not exist? Who gave you the rights to speak on behalf of all women everywhere?

          26 months ago

          I think it’s more of a safety concern mixed with sexism.

          I’ve come across women that flat-out say they are more afraid of men on average and try to avoid them if possible.

          • queermunist she/her
            -36 months ago

            One in four women face sexual violence. I get it.

            It sure would be nice if they’d stop to consider how women like me would feel to be forced to be surrounded by men in the men’s restroom.

      -116 months ago

      I’m 100% a supporter of trans right to use the bathroom of their gender.

      There is a reason that bathrooms are separated by gender.

      So if you can’t understand why people who don’t believe trans people exist are upset that people are using the wrong restroom, you’re just like the people who can’t understand that trans people exist: it’s a lack of being able to see beyond your own self and understand the position of others. While I strongly disagree with them, their position is not very complicated and easy to understand.

      • @ferralcat
        66 months ago

        I dont think there’s any need to give the benefit of the doubt to these people anymore. You might argue they believe LGBTQ people shouldn’t exist, and I might believe you, but I tend to think their main motivation is just stirring up anger and resentment against the “other side”.

        If people were concerned about privacy or safety, the us would have single user bathrooms or at least stalls that didn’t have 1in gaps around the doors (my 90s high school didn’t have stall doors at all, and in some bathrooms didn’t even have stalls, just a toilet next to the sink in the locker room). The same people aren’t upset about those things, because they don’t actually care about any of this.

          36 months ago

          I dont think there’s any need to give the benefit of the doubt to these people anymore.

          It’s troubling how often I come across the opinion now that one is free to believe the worst of anyone they want.

    746 months ago

    In the case the court rejected without comment, the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an order granting transgender boys access to the boys’ bathroom.

    So, meanwhile, transgender individuals win. At least that’s something. 👍🏻

    With any luck, this will hold untill the rest of the nation follows suit.

      336 months ago

      Only in those circuits where the court has allowed students to use the bathroom of choice. There are several circuits that voted to deny this. Your rights now depend on where you live in the country until either the SCOTUS one days takes it up or some sort of Title IX changes force it.

        166 months ago

        With this court the country might be better off without them weighing in. Those fucks are likely to make it so the whole country has even more hostile laws.

    • BraveSirZaphod
      256 months ago

      Have you ever seen an election year?

      Revealing the bigotry is basically the point. Trump talked about immigrants poisoning the blood of the country and it made him more popular.

      56 months ago

      Pretty sure they don’t give a shit about revealing bigotry when ever they feel like it. In fact it’s a feature for the right

    6 months ago

    I wish there were more non-gendered restrooms.

    The one’s I’ve been to usually has shared sinks and has stalls that fully enclosed, as in you can’t look under the stall. Most restrooms in the US, you can see under the stall in front and from an adjacent stall.

    And the urinals is usually in a separate area of the restrooms.

      56 months ago

      This, these are the best bathrooms anyways. I’d rather not listen to someone on the phone with someone else while using the restroom, lol. Animals, man.

        176 months ago

        My highschool did gender neutral restrooms well over a decade ago, and had been doing it for years. (Mostly, it was an old building, and there weren’t enough restrooms to make them all gendered and separate). Everyone had their own enclosed bathroom, with real walls and real doors. It worked fine. Better than fine, as the students were tasked with cleaning the entire school, so nobody tried to destroy the restrooms as some other group of students would have to clean it up. New students got used to it in about 15 minutes, and it wasn’t a topic of discussion throughout HS. This was well before the culture wars though.

          36 months ago

          as the students were tasked with cleaning the entire school

          What, as in they did the job of the cleaners?

            86 months ago

            I personally have no issue with making students clean their schools. It teaches them responsibility, proper cleaning habits, and respect for public spaces. A kid should know how to scrub a toilet, sweep, take out trash, and not soil a public space.

            Honestly think that should be standard. Can always hire cleaners to use more powerful equipment and to clean up after sick kids and whatnot.

              56 months ago

              Well depends on the type of cleaning and the chemical use.

              Picking up trash might be okay, but cleaning washrooms?? That’s not only expose them to harmful chemicals but also require training and proper ware which is a job that you need to get paid for.

              -16 months ago

              Making sure the classroom is tidy and in a respectable state at the end of the day, absolutely. But it’s not the schools responsibility to teach them those things, it’s on the parents.

            16 months ago

            Essentially, yes. They still had cleaners, but the students were primarily responsible for cleaning. They’d form groups with students from grades 6-12, and a teacher as the leader, and each team would be responsible for things like a classroom, a public area, the school grounds, etc. So nobody wanted to mess up the school because everyone was responsible for keeping it in order. It was usually a half hour 2-3 times a week, and the school was kept remarkably clean and damage-free.

        126 months ago

        If you’ve ever been at a sports stadium when the women’s line is incredibly long and the men’s line is short, you’ll find plenty of women who miraculously discover a love of gender neutrality.

        The fear that most people have - and I’ve seen this as common among women as men, particularly when you invoke Gay Panic - is of sexual assault. And in a country, like the US, which seems to be either unwilling or unable to discourage sexual assault via public policy, there’s a real anxiety for lots of people whenever they use any kind of public restroom.

        There was a very similar outcry back during the 60s, when Jim Crow was struck down and bathrooms were racially integrated. You had certain people show extreme distress at the prospect of sharing a lavatory with some of a different race. And, as a consequence, we got a lot of suburban white flight and de facto segregation through modern day red-lining and private security harassment. There was a whole thing during the 80s, where black people trying to use restrooms in private malls (particularly in the South) would be harassed, expelled, and even arrested under nakedly untrue claims of shoplifting. Bunch of News Hour TV shows made a big stink about it for a long time.

        But the idea that “women just don’t want to” is heavily overstated. A lot of this anxiety is manufactured. A lot more has far less to do with gender generally speaking and more to do with the individual’s personal experiences.

        46 months ago

        When you ban trans women from women’s bathrooms you’re opening them to trans men and all a cis man has to do is say “no worries, I’m a trans man, don’t mind the beard.”

        You make it EASIER for men to infiltrate women’s bathrooms.

          6 months ago

          You make it EASIER for men to infiltrate women’s bathrooms.

          It is comically easy to enter a woman’s restroom. There is often not even a door in the way. If a man wants to walk in, the only thing keeping him out is peer pressure from the women inside.

          What I’ve seen from the trans-panic isn’t women somehow better policing their restrooms from men. What I’ve seen is women trying to clock other women, and harassing - even to the point of physical assault - anyone who doesn’t “look womanly” enough for their tastes.

          Case in point, a video of a woman being dragged out of a restroom by police because she was dressed too boyishly.

          Here’s another case of a woman who was “clocked” and harassed while using the restroom in a Danbury, NC Walmart. Her pixie cut and baseball cap was enough to provoke another patron into going apeshit.

    106 months ago

    upheld an order granting transgender boys access to the boys’ bathroom.

    Why is it only focusing on 1 gender?

      186 months ago

      Probably because the lawsuit was filed on behalf of a transgender boy.

      The case originally required John R. Wooden Middle School in Martinsville to allow a seventh-grader identified only as A.C. to have access to the restroom while litigation continued.

      346 months ago

      Ultimately, what it boils down to is that they want to force trans people to de-transition, go back into the closet, and hopefully kill themselves. The pain and aggravation caused by these stupid bathroom laws is quite literally the point.

        56 months ago

        The cruelty is the point… They don’t want us to exist

        It’s really fucking stressful being under a bathroom law. There aren’t correct choices. It’s supposed to be either committing a misdemeanor or getting the shit kicked out of you.

          36 months ago

          I’m really sorry you’re going through that. It sucks, and I can only hope that as the future inevitably progresses, things improve.

          My son is trans (FtM). We’re lucky to live in a sane state that doesn’t have this bathroom bill garbage. But my heart goes out to those that do.

        -36 months ago

        It’s like killing yourself because in physics they teach v=s/t instead of v=ds/dt. Cruelty. Clearly, v=s/t doesn’t work.

        I really don’t get it. If you have a penis you would like to use a urinal. If you don’t you wouldn’t.

          6 months ago

          Stand to pee devices exist and are pretty common. Some people have prosthetic set-ups. Some folks have even had bottom surgery and can stand. Not to hard to use a urinal, although I’ve never used a men’s bathroom that didn’t have a stall in it.

          The cruelty is that I am a man. I have about two inches of beard and a mat of chest hair that peeks through a t-shirt. I’m not out at work, I’m not out at restaurants, I’m not out really in any setting that doesn’t require me being nekkid. Requiring me to use the women’s bathroom because I don’t have a penis would require me to cause a massive scene - am I supposed to drop my pants to prove I’m in the “correct” restroom? My drivers license says male on it, do I need to carry around my birth certificate to use the bathroom?

          Your physics example is extremely poorly formed. I’ve taught physics for years and have no idea what you’re trying to convey.

              6 months ago

              I’ve been taking testosterone injections for roughly ten years. They are prescribed to me, I inject myself in the thigh once a week. I experienced male puberty. My voice cracked and dropped. I slowly developed stubble that developed into a terrible patchy beard, and with time the ability to grow a fairly decent one.

              It’s entirely possible to have a beard without injections or testicles - conditions like PCOS can cause fluctuations in hormone levels. Some women are just naturally hairy, human bodies are complicated 🤷‍♂️

        -56 months ago

        That’s a slippery slope.

        Most of the women I see who have an opinion on this are afraid of men sharing their bathrooms. They have a legitimate fear of men that borders on and often crosses over into sexism.

          56 months ago

          Trans women aren’t men, and every time I see someone insist that their anecdotal reports of women terrified that the bathroom stall next to them might contain a trans woman, they invariably fail to cough up any actual statistics on it. Maybe you’ll be different.

          In any event, this is someone born with a vagina:

          Do you think that person should use the women’s restroom?