• @weecious
    31 month ago

    One Piece going full lore dump 😩👌

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
      21 month ago

      Reading it in volume would be really nice, it’s everything build up till now

      • @weecious
        129 days ago

        Yeah, I should do that. I’ve forgotten a lot of happenings in the manga because I cannot remember them.

        • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
          129 days ago

          Time for a reread? 🙈

          I did that some times ago and it’s awesome seeing how the crew change, and also the pacing is just better when you read it in one go vs wait for chapter every week + break. I think people have problem with Wano because of that.

          • @weecious
            129 days ago

            Definitely time for a reread. I wish the physical copies are still being sold here, so that I don’t have to sit in front of my pc to read.

            I love Skypiea, back when a lot of people hated it.

            • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
              129 days ago

              Skypiea is everyone’s favorite after the 5th gear reveal lol

              Did kinokuniya have any physical copy?

              • @weecious
                128 days ago

                Kinokuniya does carry physical copies, but they’re expensive. Miss those cheap BM ones.

  • @Charlotte_Thomassen
    11 month ago

    It is seem that our instance was so delay when fetching content from big instance like lemmy.world. Comment slow or not appear at all.

    Is there any solution ? Is there anyway to trigger lemmy queue to fetch content ?

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
      11 month ago

      Sorry about that. It’s a known issue for server not based in the west, as currently lemmy only process federation queue one thing at a time, and with how big lemmy.world is they’re flooding the federation queue on our side. What make it worst is the distance between us and their server, it take more time for us to process their federation queue than those instance that’s nearer in location with lemmy.world. This kinda result on us having delayed content sync for about a few days behind. Aussie.zone also suffered from this.

      Words is, they’re fixing this problem next update and it’s coming pretty soon, so gonna have to hold up till then :/

  • @Gonzako@lemmy.world
    11 month ago

    Got any special dates coming up? I just got my sister’s bday recently and I napped all the way through the party