• @stormy001
    710 months ago

    Selamat Hari Merdeka ke 66

  • @NaomikhoA
    310 months ago

    Selamat hari merdeka guys~ was anyone doing the countdown? I passed out before it was time :')

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
      210 months ago

      I completely forgot about that and only remember when the firework goes off 🙈

  • @weecious
    210 months ago

    Feeling much better than yesterday.

    But my phone screen now has 10 lines across it. These Samsung screens are horrible, but also shame on Sony for denying responsibility.

    • @dukeGR4
      210 months ago

      my galaxy OLED tablet screen had grey bands from day one lol, most visible when the background is grey-blackish.

      by 10 lines, do you mean 10 lines of black pixels or like mine - subtle borderline invisible

      • @weecious
        210 months ago

        It looks like lightsabers

          • @weecious
            110 months ago

            I did, but it definitely isn’t the cause, based on what redditors are saying at r/SonyXperia. There are those who never dropped their phone that suffers from the same issue.

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    110 months ago

    Happy merdeka yall! What’s your plan in this holiday?