Have protected sex even if you only have access to non-biodegradable condoms, getting antibiotic resistant chlamydia isn’t going to save the planet.
Also from an environmental perspective, having a child is about the worst thing you can do compared to…using a fucking condom lmao.
I can’t recommend this highly enough if you’re never planning on having a kid or if you’re done having kids. I am a huge weenie when it comes to medical procedures and mine was super simple. I was sore for a few days, did my follow up, and that was it.
I still use condoms because of STDs but I never have to worry about accidentally having a kid if a condom breaks.
it’s the bees knees when you’re married - cream pies all day, every day
I hear ya
Not to mention your wife’s boyfriend will buy you a Nintendo Switch.
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Just use the washable ones, made from organic cotton. Lower environmental impact, shorter time until potty trained as well on average. Still not as good as not putting extra people on the planet though 😁
kill the baby.
If it kills you early, it is certainly good on the climate
Chlamydia and all other stds are biodegradable
or just be a based virgin and don’t have sex. That would’ve been the funny answer.
Latex is natural rubber and is indeed biodegradable though it is slow to break down. Polyurethane condoms will probably be found in the archeological record.
I only use authentic Amish made sheep intestine condoms because they are definitely biodegradable.
And reusable!
and edible.
I mean, true but they’re better than the styrofoam ones…
(I know you’re joking but the builder in me is genuinely curious if you can make a rubber-like substance out of polystyrene)
Styrene is in the vynal family, Styrene-Isoprene-Styrene is used to make extremely expensive surgical gloves so I’m going to say yes.
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Polyurethane also biodegrades, just very slowly. Since condoms are very thin there will be not much left of them after a century
Over a long enough time span… everything returns to star dust
I, for one, am ready for the sun to consume us all.
I’m not. We need to get star lifting going, and turn the solar system into our command ship, using the sun as the engine, and structural basis.
“So after a million years of putting off adjustment maintenance, the size of the sun has grown to critical levels and it is now too late. We will be evacuating at the next solar system in 120 [MINUS FIVE] years and diverting all available resources to emergency maintenance in the mean time. This announcement is a recording.” Frickin’ humans, eons of progress and can’t even do eons of progress right.
“If you care about the planet, be sure to cut down on this product that contributes 0.01% of all plastic waste”
You need a few more zeros there.
Why use plastic condoms? Latex is good.
Latex allergy, apparently that’s a thing.
In the past 2 decades vinyl ones have become a lot more common. I don’t know if there’s any difference in strength, but being hypoallergenic gives them a broader market.
STDs are biodegradable too
They’re natural. They’re from the Earth.
I start my day with a bowlful yim yum
Isn’t all latex biodegradable? It’s cured tree sap.
Yes, however, it’s the other chemicals they mix it with that make it not biodegradable. Thankfully there are some companies not using those chemicals now which is lovely.
Also, for those who are allergic to latex, unfortunatley the only option is polyurethene which is plastic, and as such not at all biodegradable.
Nitrile is an option as well. They don’t contain the protein that triggers allergic reactions
We didn’t find anything about Nirtrile and protection. Could you clarify?
That’s…not how chemistry works.
Sheep intestine condoms ftw!
This, but un-sarcastically.
Would be an interesting boost to the Sheep industry.
aren’t sheep about as bad as cows for the climate?
I don’t think so. But I think that that’s going to vary a lot based on how you want to measure “badness for the climate”.
My instinct is to look at Feed to Gain Ratio, which is the measure of food eaten to weight gained. This will vary animal to animal based on the animal’s purpose (meat cows vs dairy cows, meat lambs vs wool sheep, etc) and the type of food they’re fed.
Still, there are reliable bands for estimating for each animal. According to This Article, it looks like sheep can fall into a 4:1 to 6:1 ratio while cows are closer to 12:1 (this is a bit higher than I was taught in high school biology, but not by much). Of course, the higher these numbers, the “worse” the animal is for the environment.
They might have been asking about methane production, that’s a big topic for cattle because it’s a very potent greenhouse gas and having a lot of cattle produces a lot of methane - and it’s a byproduct of how their digestive systems work and all ruminants, sheep included, have that problem to some degree.
I wasn’t able to find a definitive answer, but per animal sheep aren’t as bad, but it’s due to their smaller size and if western countries kept eating the same amount of meat but ate more sheep (due to it being cheaper from the demand for sheep condoms, lol) instead of beef I’m not sure it would be better. (Replacing chicken with sheep would definitely be worse though.)
So what I’m hearing is that we just need to selectively breed people to have smaller penises so we can just use chicken intestines for condoms instead?
About as bad as any of the animals that can eat grass, wild or farmed
As long as it’s not still in the sheep.
I see you’re unaware of what goes on in New Zealand…
With love from across the Tasman 😁
Classic supporter of the Sheep-Sex-industrial complex… But not the Welsh kind.
They’re not as good at preventing STDs, but they’re decent at preventing pregnancy.
Nah, they’re full of microplastics these days.
So are STDs.
Standard Deviations are not biodegradable
Neither is statistical thermodynamics
Santa Domingo Airport probably isn’t as well.
I dunno. Never been to Venezuela.
Kind of an unfortunate airport code, though.
Star Trek: Discovery is not biodegradable.
Pretty sure the space mushrooms could degrade the fuck out of it
just stay a virgin guys it’s really easy!!
This is incorrect now, there are some which are.
Say gex!
sesbiab lex
Ah… 2019… The year of the distortion memes.
You see, it’s funnier because the letters are being silly.
for me the distortion adds to the meme because it changes how I pronounce the second part in my mind. because of the distortion I read it with a rising and falling tone or whatever it’s called, which made it a lot funnier.
this is why you should do as old times and use sheep intestines as condoms
Any vegan alternatives?
latex is plant based i think
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i dont know about that figure. It’s certainly more than the average third world individual, but then again i believe third world countries are some of the most polluting out there based on the resource extraction, so while the individual may not create a shit ton of pollution, all that mining sure does create a lot.
a lot of mining is just outsourced pollution of first world countries.
that’s globalism for ya