My favourite DB character has got to be Perfect Cell, I find his design striking and eye catching on almost any manga panel, game series and anime.

Literally perfect in the truest sense of the word. I’m sure there are a lot of people who like frieza but frieza despite being a good character didn’t appeal to me as much as Cell did.

A goodie I’d choose Gohan, the lad has gone through trials and tribulations and has managed to overcome those odds by himself with the support of family and loved ones, something that resonates with me. This includes cool desigs like his beast form which I thought was visually striking.

What about you? What are your favourite characters and why?

    286 months ago

    Finally, someone asking the questions that really matter!

    My favorite is Piccolo. I liked Piccolo Daimaoh in DB, he made a good villain but his offspring, the Piccolo that carried on to DBZ, I fell in love with that character. The design is great, the personality, and all his arc until the Cell saga. Sadly he quickly falls into the background after that.

    I know he gets the orange version nowadays but I haven’t checked out the movie or manga for that matter. I’m not a fan of the 3d style art for the franchise at least not for animation media.

    • ChuzaUzarNaim
      66 months ago

      Piccolo gang represent

      Also my choice for best character. Watching him develop from enemy, to rival, to friend, to eventually mentoring and becoming a second dad to Gohan was great.

      And yeah, it’s a shame that he eventually becomes fairly irrelevant as the story goes on (like most of the non-saiyan fighters)

    206 months ago

    My favorite character is Goku from original DB. IMO he got dumber and dumber as the series went on, and he lost his original character a bit too. DBZ is cool and all but original DB was on another level.

    RIP Akira Toriyama.

    • ChuzaUzarNaim
      66 months ago

      It’s funny. When I was much younger, I disdained DB and preferred DBZ because it was more “serious” or something. Now I find DB, with it’s focus on adventures over fights and relatively lower stakes, to be far more entertaining. It’s also generally much funnier.

      Goku from DB is a great choice btw.

    • XIIIesq
      26 months ago

      One of my favourite things about super was to see the original Goku character come back. A goofy and loveable guy that’s a savant when it comes to fighting and just wants a bigger challenge.

    6 months ago

    Gotta go with wildly inappropriate Master Roshi from the original Dragon ball, dude was out of control, definitely a product of his time that wouldn’t fly today

    136 months ago

    I remember when the Cell arc started when I was in like 5th grade on Cartoon Network and Trunks was introduced. I always thought curtain hair was super cool at the time and he also had a dope jacket and a sweet sword. Not to mention a gritty backstory being trained by a BADASS Gohan in a dystopic wasteland. Future Trunks gets my vote all day every day.

    116 months ago

    I’ve always had a preference for Balma, it’s unfortunate she becomes less and less important as time goes on and the characters outgrow the need for tech. She’s a genius inventor, though!

    Granted, I’ve always had a preference for female characters, which isn’t exactly DBs strong suit, lol. Now that I think of it, whatever happened to Launch, that lady with the two personalities? Did she just… disappear in DBZ?

        36 months ago

        To be fair, DB started off as a gag manga so I guess she was just sort of a gag that no longer mattered when it became less of a comedy. So… ya, forgot about her. Lol

  • XIIIesq
    6 months ago

    Hercule. Not only is he fucking hilarious but without him the fights against Cell and Buu would have been lost.

    In the Cell games he showed incredible bravery to throw 16’s head over to Gohan, enabling Gohan to hear the words he needed to go super sayin 2.

    In the Buu saga, he befriended a monster, he showed kindness and compassion that was nearly able to end the fight before it even started. This later caused the good and evil buu’s to split. Without Hercule, Goku would not have been able to power up the spirit bomb that finishes Kid Buu.

      16 months ago

      Agreed! He even has the best line of the entire saga.

      “Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?? … IT’S OVER 9000!!!”

    36 months ago

    I’ve always really loved Zarbon. He has a cool design that fits his snobbish attitude and then when he sacrifices his looks to transform into his grotesque true form, to was a good foreshadowing of Frieza.

    Also the Ginyu Force, of course. Ginyu himself is great and even the oft-overlooked Guldo is pretty interesting (and DBZ needs more weird bullshit powers like his).

  • Owl
    16 months ago


    All of his forms are unique and cool in their own way (except the grey evil buu)