[–]Savacore 2096 points 6 hours ago
This was predicted, and he warned everybody in advance. Whether his policies are beneficial or detrminental in the long run remains to be seen.
yeah, remains to be seen. we didn’t see what his policies looked like 100 years ago when they failed back then too. good thing he warned everybody tho!
His policies are identical to the shock doctrine in Russia, and the “neoliberal miracle” of Chile post coup. Fucking empty headed motherfuckers
It was a real
moment when I found out the economic miracle liberals use to do ”at least the trains ran on time” style apologism of Pinochet wasn’t even real.
Lobotomies aren’t bad because I told you it would hurt up front
Gosh, we just don’t know WHAT will happen! This has only been done 3 billion times before, and he told you it would suck
one thing’s for sure, all the wealth that the already rich will earn during this time of economic turmoil will soon trickle down
now say the same thing about stalin
stalin’s policies WERE seen to be beneficial
Mad to see all the coping going on from Reddit libertarians. Apparently the ‘math’ works out for this and everyone that is currently living in poverty was already poor. They are also waving around lowered rents as if that isn’t a direct result of increased homelessness and poverty rather than removal of rent controls. They ‘increased housing stock’ in the last six months apparently.
What math are they talking about? Dunno, just the math.
I would spare r/worldnews cretins if they weren’t so fucking smug about everything. The “math”. Man, shut the fuck you wannabe fucking nerd. All you know is racial pseudo psychology, you can barely comprehend basic arithmetic.
“Ignore the corpses and human misery, look at these made up numbers” is old hat for them at this point
true capitalism has never been tried, until now
Venezuela, under sactions, is currently doing better than Ecuador and Argentina lol
It by definition cannot work, you are taking money away from the people.
It used to be that austerity was necessary because the country was “broke” and employment was too high, that was the neoliberal rhetoric. Now,
go akshually it improves the economy somehow despite increasing poverty and unemployment . How? No one knows
and employment was too high,
capitalism is most efficient and rational system, btw
Sufficiently advanced capitalism is indistinguishable from primitive superstition.
Liberals: “Communism never works”
Capitalism for the millionth time:
: “capitalism can’t fail, only BE failed!”
RIP Bad Empanada
He just posted a video earlier today?
How many % are the reddit commentors willing to impoverish before admitting it’s not worth it? Just trying to cut to the chase.
99%, as long as they are in the 1% who aren’t impoverished.
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Unfortunately top comment tree is filled with Milei asskissing (and it’s not the only one, there’s fuckton of that). And anyone getting closer than astronomical unit to proposing socialism are downvoted hard.
There are also cute sentiment that austrian cult is cult, invisible hand is a hoax, but the economy is mystical force tha can’t really be understand, because their capitalist universities and courses said so to them ¯\(ツ)/¯
This economic policy is certainly very good at making a country’s assets for sale and for certain people to flee with cartoon bags of money to the US. >.>
He is such a fucking clown. It’s like when a country accepts the Olympics you can see how corrupt and undemocratic their government is, but when you drink the libertarian coolaid and accept world bank IMF austerity, that’s just total autocracy
Lmao it’s WorldNews. Of course they’re going to glaze him. I would be more shocked if they didn’t.
Throwing another batch of people into the poverty volcano to appease the market gods.
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Well you see austerity kills the homeless and the poor, who can be brushed aside as not being fully human, while gommulism kills the smol business owners which makes it evil.
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