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this is not an endorsement of the zyzzians, this is a shitpost.

  • SovietBeerTruckOperator [none/use name]
    671 month ago

    I stab landlords with a katana constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)

    They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”

  • Owl [he/him]
    501 month ago

    Here’s a primer on the zizians, which you can read if you’d like your eyebrows to get stuck one tick higher for the rest of the day.

    The tl;dr is that they’re a cult orbiting around an offshoot of the SF Bay area “rationalist” scene. The SF Bay is a brutally alienating grifter hellscape. The rationalist scene is a disorganized counterculture highly concerned with morality*. This naturally attracts confused young adults who are in weird places in their life; that’s just what a moral counterculture does. Ziz targeted particularly vulnerable people from this pool, particularly trans people, with a cluster of techniques out of the usual cult playbook, notably including a novel type of sleep deprivation.

    * Whether these ideas are right or wrong are irrelevant, but if you want my take: a stopped clock is right twice a day, but a clock that’s spinning around really really fast is right way more often.

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      161 month ago

      a stopped clock is right twice a day, but a clock that’s spinning around really really fast is right way more often.

      That’s one hell of a take and a good one at that

      • queermunist she/her
        1 month ago

        I have a guess!

        It’s lifehack bullshit. I have a biphasic sleep schedule and I’d be miserable on five hours of sleep.

        • SevenSkalls [he/him]
          181 month ago

          Just read the article and it turns out it’s even weirder than a weird sleep cycle thing!

          They believe every person is actually two people (separated by the left and right hemispheres) and that they can put one of them to sleep, by making only one half of themselves to sleep. So they get comfortable, but keep open one eye, and keep that half of the body stimulated. When the half with the closed eye, which stays relaxed, goes numb, that half is asleep. This way they can separate their two halves or something. Apparently you can actually come out of that thinking you slept, but idk how, it sounds very disorienting and not restful at all.

          • queermunist she/her
            121 month ago

            Holy shit that’s even worse - like a guaranteed way to seriously damage mental health.

          • CrawlMarks [he/him]
            11 month ago

            This is the unfortunate implications of split brain experiments. I wonder if we cna talk them i to splitting their Brian so they can doubble their apm?

        • christian [he/him]
          41 month ago

          It seems like it’s trying to say the later ones give you more time awake but I’m closest to everyman with everything scaled up by like 80%.

      • Owl [he/him]
        81 month ago

        It’s in the link, go look there!

        It’s unihemispheric sleep.

    • SevenSkalls [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Same. Sounds like there’s some news articles I missed or something? I have a journey to undergo in this thread.

    231 month ago

    That’s why I unironically stopped following Rebecca Watson. Her recent video was just too much of a libout for me

      • Carl [he/him]OP
        1 month ago

        Long story short: an offshoot of the rationalists (the ones who are scared of a hypothetical future AI god torturing their metaverse avatar) got really extreme, insular, and cultlike. This has resulted in numerous deaths, including multiple of their own members, an ICE officer, and the landlord who owned the RV lot that they lived on. A few of the members are in jail, but I think the leader tried to fake their own death and is still on the lam. The story has Manson Family vibes, with a charismatic leader gathering a group of troubled people to their side and pushing them to do violent shit, and in this case that leader is a trans nonbinary vegan.

        21 month ago

        It’s been many factors, and generally this can be attributed to her general Western liberalism, but also one of the more jarring things was her responding to even mild criticism aggressively. I get where she’s coming from (Elevatorgate and Western Atheism), but she’s doing it even in the “comradely” spaces, eg. fediverse. Recently she popped off on VWestlife (a tech YouTuber) for daring to suggest that a game might have been able to run on her older machine (how dare he not know that she used to be running an Intel MacBook)

        111 month ago

        Actually I unfollowed her because she popped off on VWestlife for daring to suggest that maybe her older computer would be able to run a newer game

  • queermunist she/her
    1 month ago

    I have a confession.

    I actually agree with a fundamental principle behind rationalist/basilisk discourse: a simulation of you, if it’s accurate enough, is essentially you. If Roko’s Basilisk created a simulation of me then she is me, and if it tortured her it’s indistinguishable from me being tortured. She’ll be “me” in every way that matters. Continuity of consciousness is unimportant.

    It’s just that Roko’s Basilisk is based on flawed priors so I’m not really worried about Skynet torturing my Metaverse avatar in the future. The basilisk wouldn’t bother, there’s literally no point. It wouldn’t care about me at all. That’s a waste of resources.

    Instead, I’m hopeful!

    I believe, if we don’t kill ourselves, we will be able to simulate the dead and bring everyone back. There isn’t going to be some dumbass Judgement Day where a basilisk determines if we were good, there’s no point, but instead every person who has ever lived will be simulated and no one will ever have to say goodbye ever again. Some people will need some rehabilitation to get over their traumas from life, some people will need reeducation to get over their own bullshit, but everyone will be saved.

    Rationalist psychos can’t imagine this because the idea of saving everyone is antithetical to their world-view. They’re still operating on essentially capitalist priors where only the righteous/productive will be saved while the wicked/unproductive will be damned. It’s the same logic behind making the poor starve so they work harder for food, except their imaginations have run wild with it.

    And they will build the basilisk themselves if we let them.

      • queermunist she/her
        101 month ago

        I understand that point of view, but have a slightly more radical view in that divergence isn’t totalizing or instantaneous. Every time you sleep your brain changes, but we wouldn’t say that the person who wakes up is a different person than the one that went to sleep. You just changed a little bit.

        Or a more personal example: when I got hit by a car I lost about three weeks of memory, I no longer had aphantasia, and had an identity crisis that eventually lead to me accepting myself as trans. Did I die when I was hit by that car? Did someone else wake up in my body? I don’t think so.

        There’s certainly some point at which the amount of changes are great enough that you become someone else, but if there were two of me we’d still be the same person for a while.

        My simulation doesn’t have to be perfect continuity, just whatever minimum is good enough.

        • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
          81 month ago

          I’m a bit out of my depth here,but while this sounds like a nice idea and all,how would I get to experience that nice immortality myself? I understand your point about sleep,but at least there you have some continuity,that being that your consciousness exists within your body,whereas a digital copy has little to no continuity with what’s here right now.

          I mean,I get why it wouldn’t matter to other people,they’d see no difference,but if I go lights out in the physical world and the copy lives on in some metaverse heaven,how would that have saved me personally? For all intents and purposes what would be out there would be reflection taking my place in the world after I’m gone. A good copy,but for me it’s a copy nonetheless. I mean,it’s great that some copy of me would be existing out there having fun,but it’s not so great for me the human,being dead and all.

          • queermunist she/her
            1 month ago

            Okay, so this is predicated on the assumption that the self is fundamentally just data (memories, feelings, thoughts), and if a machine can simulate that data accurately enough then it will have have recreated that self even if the previous self is gone.

            I believe worrying about if “I’m gone” if my data copy is alive is metaphysics. There is no “I” - there’s only the data I’m made of.

            Going further, because the data of the self is always being corrupted and lost, worrying about perfection is also metaphysics. I am I even if my data is incomplete, because our dataforms are always changing anyway just the the course of living.

            • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
              71 month ago

              Ok,then I guess I believe in a soul or something like it apparently

              Because I care more about the continuity of my consciousness rather than a data archive existing after my expiration date

              Don’t get me wrong,it’s good for future generations to have access to that knowledge,but I can’t help but think that the spark within me that is alive right now would be gone

              Hell,no way to know if either of us are wrong,and I do see your point,but I just think that unless you ensure the continuity of consciousness,what you’re gonna get is a new being,very similar to me, but never really “me” so to speak

              Also,not to sift through old struggle sessions,but I can’t help but think a certain killer of Kissinger would not look favorably upon that take (or not,never interacted that much with the person)

              • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
                51 month ago

                I can’t write a good post but yeah, the phenomenal character of being (like, existing, experiencing, etc) is more than mere data.

                Your brain is not a computer, putting it in a robot body would be so far from the embodied experience of being you that I don’t think even that would be “you”.

            • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
              41 month ago

              I believe worrying about if “I’m gone” if my data copy is alive is metaphysics. There is no “I” - there’s only the data I’m made of.

              Not weighing in on the actual debate here, but just pointing out that “there is no I - there is only the data I’m made of” is also definitely metaphysics.

              • queermunist she/her
                01 month ago

                Well my self is also embodied in my actual flesh. I am my scars and gut flora and muscles and genetic predispositions.

                My self isn’t even fully contained in my body! My self is also in my living space and my family and my friends and my coworkers and all my other social connections. I am I because of everything and everyone around me.

                And I am also my historical and material context, what makes me “me” can’t be separated from my class position within this epoch of capitalism.

                But those, too, can be simulated as more data points. I really don’t think there’s anything that can’t be represented as data.

                • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
                  61 month ago

                  Fully on board the ontic structural realism and extended cognition bus. Just pointing out that it absolutely is a metaphysical position, and that giving arguments for it is doing metaphysics.

        • Des [she/her, they/them]
          41 month ago

          I generally lean towards this myself.

          If you take it further. Even if there is no afterlife, you just die and it’s oblivion. Well over nearly infinite time, even in a universe where entropy dominates. Eventually, some tiny quantum tunneling event may create a new big bang. And a new universe. Over nearly infinite time, eventually you will be replicated in one of these universes nearly exactly. So there will never actually be oblivion.

          But yeah just an interesting possibility if this holds true (which I’m not entirely sure).

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      201 month ago

      I believe, if we don’t kill ourselves, we will be able to simulate the dead and bring everyone back. There isn’t going to be some dumbass Judgement Day where a basilisk determines if we were good, there’s no point, but instead every person who has ever lived will be simulated and no one will ever have to say goodbye ever again. Some people will need some rehabilitation to get over their traumas from life, some people will need reeducation to get over their own bullshit, but everyone will be saved.

      What would these recreations of dead people, most of them long since departed, be based on? How would this differ from those ghoulish AI services that offer to train a chatbot on a deceased loved one’s chat history monke-beepboop

      • queermunist she/her
        71 month ago

        There’s a few assumptions at play here.

        We have to assume that it is possible to create a simulation that is advanced enough to actually be intelligent (we aren’t anywhere close and these chatbots are just investor scams). In this assumption the simulation is not just a chatbot, it is at the very least a person.

        And then we have to assume that it’s possible to actually accurately simulate history; you could simulate the exact events of JFK’s assassination and actually get a picture of Poppy pulling the trigger, as it really happened in real life.

        These are assumptions, of course. Maybe artificially constructed minds can’t ever be intelligent, maybe simulating history to that level of accuracy isn’t possible, but if they both are possible I think you could simulate the dead and bring them back to life.

        • Bobson_Dugnutt [he/him]
          81 month ago

          In the novel Accelerando by Charles Stross, a post-singularity intelligence revives various historical figures by studying their writings and creating iterative AIs until one of them reproduces the writings exactly. This means that all the “imperfect” versions are killed.

        • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
          71 month ago

          maybe simulating history to that level of accuracy isn’t possible

          I’m pretty confident it’s not. If a book burns to ash, you can’t piece it back together.

          • queermunist she/her
            1 month ago

            There’s a theory in quantum mechanics that information can never be destroyed, it merely changes forms. No human could put a burned book back together with their bare hands, obviously, but all the pieces are still there. Nothing was actually lost. It’s just in a different form, and perhaps with the right techniques it can be put back together again.

            In fact, scientists are successfully managing to read burned scrolls that were destroyed in the Pompeii eruption right now.

            • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
              41 month ago

              There’s a theory in quantum mechanics that information can never be destroyed, it merely changes forms

              Information in the quantum physics context is not the same as information in the normal context. Things can be irretrievably forgotten or destroyed. For example, if you approach a stainless steel block sitting on a concrete pad in an isolated environment, how would you determine how long it’s been there? There’s no way to tell from simply observing that system. Or for a very different example, the cultural and linguistic practices of many Native American nations are entirely lost to history - much simply cannot refer be determined through the limited means available to us

              • queermunist she/her
                1 month ago

                through the limited means available to us

                Certainly, but we’re talking about Sufficiently Advanced technology. Might there, someday, be means available to us that would allow us to do this? It’s speculative for sure, but I wouldn’t be confident ruling it out.

            • D61 [any]
              31 month ago

              Wouldn’t (maybe the right word is “shouldn’t”) there be a difference between information and meaning?

              You can reconstruct a book but will it mean the same thing after reconstruction?

              • queermunist she/her
                1 month ago

                I have no idea what you mean.

                The meaning comes from the words, not the book the words are written on. If a different book has the same words in the same order it sure seems like it would mean the same thing imo

                • D61 [any]
                  11 month ago

                  (just thoughts from watching AI widgets try to make pictures)

                  If I took a book that had 1 millions characters in its text and overlapped each character on the same spot on the same page, but otherwise made no other changes, all the “parts” of the book are there but its meaning has changed.

                  Kinda like trying to read something in a dream. I’ll open a book, look at the page, and see gibberish but “know” that the text is supposed to be saying something specific. If I was able to write down the gibberish and give it to somebody else to read, they wouldn’t get the same meaning out of it.

    • Carl [he/him]OP
      151 month ago

      I believe, if we don’t kill ourselves, we will be able to simulate the dead and bring everyone back.

      Hell yeah I love this premise. I’ve always imagined it in a sci fi far future context, like humanity solves the economy and spreads out to the solar system and somebody gets the idea to do this as the ultimate utopian project, running back the entire history of the Earth as a simulation in order to pluck out people’s consciousnesses right before their death and resurrect them to live in the immortal space future.

      • SevenSkalls [he/him]
        61 month ago

        I highly recommend the game Soma if you haven’t played it already. Don’t want to spoil too much, but this whole line of conversation reminds me of that game.

        • queermunist she/her
          1 month ago

          Absolutely love that game.

          Simon doesn’t ever seem to really get what is happening, but I think he can be forgiven considering his situation.

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      101 month ago

      “It’s the same logic behind making the poor starve so they work harder for food, except their imaginations have run wild with it.”

      tangent, but it always bothers me that there are a lot of people out there who think the poor will only work if they’re desperate, but the rich will only work if they’re allowed to have their every whim fulfilled.

      • queermunist she/her
        1 month ago

        My understanding is that this vegan/data scientist death cult is terrified of Roko’s Basilisk, but they chose to become the Basilisk.

        • ThermonuclearEgg [she/her, they/them]
          1 month ago

          We should introduce them to Kim’s Basilisk.

          It’s the same concept except the Basilisk will want you to have built global communism.

          Given the powers of Juche necromancy, it’s without question that it will in fact be you brought back to life.

        • Esoteir [he/him]
          1 month ago

          for sure i agree, it’s just this isn’t the basilisk post i think you were trying to comment on this is the trans nonbinary vegan stabbing landlords with a katana post so the comment isn’t hitting the right audience

          • queermunist she/her
            81 month ago

            Naw, these are just the thoughts I had when I learned about the Zizian cult and wanted to get them out there. I think it belongs in this thread 🤷‍♀️

            Oh actually also I thought about how, in the web serial Worm, there’s an immortal angel-machine called Ziz that simulates the future and past in her mind and uses that to kill and torture people and destroy cities and drive people insane and shit. Might be a coincidence??

  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    181 month ago

    It’s funny, I searched “zizian cult” on google and first news article is claiming they’re radical leftists.

    It’s so unbelievably untrue but whatever.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      81 month ago

      This was a dude living in a trailer on a lot where he rented out essentially storage units that weren’t really intended for dwelling. Based in what I heard from the truannon episodes he didn’t seem to be making any kind of real money off anyone and seemingly figured it was at least shelter for these weirdo wayward kids until they started being super fucking weird and hostile towards anyone else and taking over the lot. I think the unpaid rent thing was more of a reason to get rid of them than anything. If they didn’t bring a bunch of trucks in and have people living in those and being weird and violent with other people renting etc, the rent seems like it would have been overlooked. This dude just barely qualified as a landlord.