• @NaomikhoA
    9 months ago

    I’ve been having some weird issue where I feel very sleepy(physically) but my mind refuses to sleep, or I feel guilty to sleep because I did not commit to the goals I set. I’ve been sleeping at 1 or 2 am a lot recently while still waking up at the same time. I’m not sure if this is my mind subconsciously sabotaging myself or there’s some other underlying issue…

    On the other hand, my sinus seems to be less severe for the recent few days somehow so I’m glad.

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
      19 months ago

      Glad to hear your sinus problem is getting better!

      Maybe you need some rest time this weekend? Maybe some staycation will help haha

      Did you drink tea? I heard it calm the nerve, and personally it help me too, tea like camomile, no caffeine

      • @NaomikhoA
        19 months ago

        Yeah, I’ll probably only go out chill stuff like lunch if I’m ever going out this Saturday.

        I haven’t been drinking tea lately, maybe it’s time to stock up haha or abuse free tea from office pantry while I still have the chance to

        • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
          19 months ago

          Make sure it’s non-caffeine tea though, caffeine will make it worst 🙈

          I usually drink it at night so camomile is nice

          • @NaomikhoA
            19 months ago

            I usually don’t consume caffeine so I won’t go for those with caffeine DX

              • @NaomikhoA
                9 months ago

                Well… I could be not good with caffeine, since drinking more than half a cup gives me headaches 😭

      • @NaomikhoA
        19 months ago

        What’s pokemon sleep o.o

        • @oppenMyHeimer
          19 months ago

          It’s a phone app. Essentially it tracks your sleep quality and in the morning after every sleep cycle, pokemon will appear and you can feed them to become your companions.

          There’s no combat and minimal attention required. I just open the app before I sleep, and feed pokemon some biscuits in the morning.

          It tracks using the mic, so it might be draining on the battery. Probably not the best thing for privacy either, but it’s made me sleep on time since it stops me from picking up my phone on the bed.

          • @NaomikhoA
            19 months ago

            I see… that sounds fun haha. I used to install sleeptown, but I don’t have a constant sleeping schedule because sometimes I have to spend time doing stuff or I play games with friends so I uninstalled it

    • @dukeGR4
      19 months ago

      this me recently, my meds make me so woke and if i’ve been drinking caffeine rip sleep…

      i suggest stretching before bed and also meditate as you’re about to fall asleep. Like just lie down, close your eyes and breathe slowly in and out.

      • @NaomikhoA
        19 months ago

        I’ve actually tried that, but it’s kinda hard because my brain keeps thinking about a lot of things 😭

        • @dukeGR4
          9 months ago

          yea that’s the thing, i know it’s hard but just think about your breathing.

          the slower you breathe the better, your heart slows down, and your mind relaxes.