She Baroque her neck.
That reminds me: what is the closest community to r/angryupvote?
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Mozart invents headbanging.
“Mozart disliked a performer” - A caveman trying to understand humor and trolling.
I’m guessing this is a joke but if it’s true can someone throw me a link?
It’s true that Mozart disliked her. His own letters confirm that. It’s unproven if he wrote the soprano voice that way to make her bob her head.
This is the aria. It’s from an opera called Cosi Fan Tutte.
Mozart also wrote this banger , ‘Leck mich im arsch’ which translates as ‘lick/kiss my arse’
Was it more common to use “im” back then, as opposed to today where we would rather use “am”. Or was that just him being extra spicy?
Can’t speak to historic usage, but today “am” (an dem) means “on” or “near”, and “im” (in dem) means “in”.
So the literal translation would be “lick me in the arse”.
Genau, mit “im” tönts expliziter, deshalb will ich wissen ob das Absicht oder damals der Standard war.
Das älteste bekannte schriftliche Vorkommen dieses Fluchs ist von Goethe, ein Zeitgenosse Mozarts. In seinem Götz von Berlichingen heißt es “Er aber, sags ihm, er kann mich im Arsche lecken”. Mozarts Kanon ist 9 Jahre jünger als Goethes Götz. Daher kann man davon ausgehen, dass diese Formulierung entweder gebräulich war oder dass Mozart Goethe zitiert hat.
Aah sehr interessant, danke!