Its not about good or bad the software people learn and use are the ones that bring them gainful employment. You learn what the industry uses to get a job in the same way i didn’t learn java because its a fun and exciting language i learned it because people hire for it. Also universities have a lot of sway on what people learn as well but I think thats more just reacting to what the industry does than leading it in any way
I think if there were complete transparency in university site licensing agreements, especially the sweetheart kickbacks the universities get for pushing certain proprietary software into students and curriculum to force familiarity over open source, there would be calls for prison sentences.
pretty sure ESRI’s entire business model in the US exists because of their capture of educational institutions.
I’ve heard some things about uni’s and proprietary software shenanigans but i don’t know enough about it. Wouldn’t be surprised if they take bribes to entrench shit software in the world
Yes but if it’s significantly better businesses would be shooting themselves in the foot to not use it. It’d probably just be banned tbh
This isn’t really true because businesses constantly shoot themselves in the foot paying eyewatering sums for crap software.
Workflows are hard to shift without significant losses in profits so unless its a small company won’t happen. But then you hit the other problem… No labour pool. Industry standards are a self propagating thing and adobe is the one laughing. Look at oracle its basically their entire business model, same goes for IBM they are still selling mainframe systems.
Come do some z/OS with me comrade its fun and exciting
Oh true, I always forget how interconnected everything is
What is z/OS?
Runs your banking, healthcare, aviation and probably government systems as well I think also UK train systems. IBMs glorious mainframe system that so alien to current computer conventions you’d think it came from another planet. Bundled with glorious IBM scented Cobol the finest language ever made
Is that where the “learn Cobol for the banking industry, you’ll earn zillions” meme comes from? (in my experience the few Cobol people I met were only as well paid as the next bigcorp IT drone, and much less than the workers at
It’s from back in the Y2K days when there was a huge demand for COBOL devs, and nowhere near enough of them.
Yeah no you get paid the same amount as any other mid level dev its not a well paid position it also has a quite a high turnover rate every cobol dev I’ve met is absolutely miserable
I didn’t see that coming goddamn, and you say this runs everything?
A billion devices run
Hmm, yeah I should have imagined it,
If you use GIMP and Krita together, you can get like 80-90% of the features photoshop had
The main problem for me is that GIMP has no equivalent to content-aware fill, so the closest open source equivalent to that afaik is using krita’s AI slop stable diffusion plugin to generate fill ins, which takes much longer to generate and comes with its own foibles
this is coming from someone that uses graphic design software primarily to make memes though so
while making this comment i searched online and apparently GIMP has a content-aware fill esque plugin called resynthesizer, idk if its any good but if it is that is huge
I was about to say, not only does GIMP have content aware fill, it has had it for longer than Photoshop.
i wish i had known about it a decade ago
I remember trying resynthesizer back in the day and it was pretty bad back then. The photoshop algorithm was pretty clearly superior
resynthesizer is like leagues ahead of content-aware, i’ve been using it for ages
deleted by creator
Krita is surprisingly good. GIMP is almost aggressively bad.
Strangely GIMP lives up to the name
GIMP is a little better than Photoshop CS2; I have not used a newer photoshop.
Inkscape is just plainly better than Illustrator.
Those are the two I actually use.
GIMP is a little better than Photoshop CS2; I have not used a newer photoshop.
Thanks, that really contributes a lot to the conversation.
Sorry, I can see how that came off badly.
Cs2 still has a better ui than GIMP imo
Adobe is fucking expensive.
use pirated photoshop to remove the word adobe from the top and we’re cooking
Kdenlive has really leveled up as a video editor lately. I don’t think it has feature parity with premiere or after effects, but it has become a very capable piece of software. I’m very excited to see where it goes in the future.
I’ve been meaning to get back into videomaking so this is great to know!
I haven’t used anything other than PS very much but I generally struggle to do fairly basic shit with GIMP.
Depending on what you’re doing, try Krita instead. It’s made more for drawing and digital art, but can edit photos too :)
It’s usually just for making memes nowadays if I’m being honest, will take it under advisement.
ms paint gang rise up
I use paint a lot actually but it doesn’t have a ton of functionality.
Paint.NET is paint with a decent amount of functionality. Can’t do everything GIMP can, but it does all the basic stuff.
I use GIMP mostly these days. I don’t do anything too involved that often, but it has most of the features from the pre-CS days (I started using PS around version 3.x). If you are relying on new features constantly, then probably will not feel too great for a while. But all the essentials are fine (color curves, layers, selection tools, etc). I hear a lot of good things about Krita for vector stuff, but I haven’t used it much.
This also affects enterprises that also create proprietary graphical arts tools. If the office uses adobe, then you will use adobe because when your co-worker sends you a
file then you’re going to be a team player or get fired. You can apply this thinking to most computer programs where a proprietary instance of it has become a hegemon. It’s sometimes called the Network Effect where the use of the program spreads not because of technical merit or respect but because there is no other viable option.GNU Imp, Krita, Kdenlive, etc are not faulty programs, as mentioned, they can do 90% of tasks that most people need technically speaking (It’s the 10% that Adobe has that causes users pain and frustration). It’s just that they don’t get enough attention and support because if you want to survive in capitalism you can’t argue with your boss.
But also if China does do a Deepseek on Adobe then humanity will be in a far better place.
I’ve never like gimp, I would use it but have always found its differences to photoshop to be an unintuitive pain in the ass.
I’ve been using lately though, which obviously isn’t open but it fills most of my quick free editing needs.
i use photoshop and have had a bad time trying to start using clip studio/gimp/etc, but tbh i’m pretty sure that’s because i’ve been using PS forever and there’s tutorials for everything. and its always cracked!
I’m still salty Clip Studio moved to a paid updates after promising to be a one-time purchase software. I understand why they did the change and some of those new features are fantastic, but I haven’t upgraded out of spite.
That being said, it’s pretty good, especially if you’re buying 3.0 right from the get-go. Photoshop does have better filters, but Clip Studio’s free community content more than makes up for it. Being able to make your own brushes or download other people’s favorites has been a godsend.
I’ve been using Pixelmator for about a decade and would recommend it.
Here’s the thing, I use Gimp and it’s great… but it is probably only great because I haven’t used Photoshop in over 20 years, so I can’t really compare the two.
I didn’t use Windows for 10 years, and I wish my new job didn’t force me to use it cuz it’s pure unfiltered garbage and minesweeper has fucking adds I’m gonna kill you motherfucker
I use GIMP a lot and learning the interface was hell, but other than that it’s perfectly good software. Haven’t dabbled much with Krita, but I’ve heard from colleagues it’s pretty great.
Main issue is what the other user pointed out, if you work at a company you need to either use locked in software or somehow convince the whole company to use the foss version. Nowadays lots of people are using Canva despite it also being shit and increasingly enshittified.
I used to use PS and InDesign daily for creating flyers, posters, memes, agitprop, etc. for fun, for organizing, and just to help out local charitable or community orgs. I decided to switch to FOSS stuff a few years ago when I went all-in on Linux as my primary OS.
I can use some combination of Krita, Scribus, and Gimp for about 95% of my image editing, design, and publishing workflow. Every so often I do have to switch back to Photoshop or InDesign to do one or two specific things before going back to Scribus or Krita for the entire rest of the project. A few of these things are ones I could probably figure out how to do in a FOSS editor, but mostly they’re things that are either too convoluted or just don’t work (or at least, don’t work the way I want them to.)