Joke of the day

I’m a big fan of whiteboards. I find them quite re-markable.

  • @stormy001
    91 year ago


    I am stormy001, just opened science and tech section; a place where any development of these 2 in Malaysia will be discussed.


  • @weecious
    71 year ago

    While watering the plants outside of my house, i watered the grass as well. The last time I did the same, it rained the next morning.

    Seems like I have summoned the rain again using the same method.

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    71 year ago

    Yesterday at MrDIY, saw a cute lady that’s exactly my type 👉👈

    Too bad i’m too shy and also don’t bother people on their daily shopping uhuk

  • @YourClarke
    31 year ago

    Hi everyone

    I’m excited to use Lemmy

    Ahhhaaha testing

  • @riceeater
    21 year ago

    Kinda hilarious watching reddit go full nuclear on subs that went NSFW in protest. Respect to the mods that went down fighting.

  • @NaomikhoA
    21 year ago

    Seems like Reddit is still a shitstorm. :( oh man

      • @NaomikhoA
        21 year ago

        There’s rumors about Reddit making changes to their content policy(due to the recent protests) and some mods are getting subtle threats from Reddit admins.

        Things are gonna stay ugly for a while I guess…

    • @YourClarke
      11 year ago

      Ikr, I think I started to get bored of Reddit

      • @NaomikhoA
        31 year ago

        I’m having lots of fun on Lemmy so far! I’m already using it even more than Reddit, and I’m using 3rd party apps to access Reddit rn.

  • @TheV_game
    11 year ago

    Mana chat thread for 22 June?

    • @NaomikhoA
      11 year ago

      here you go. it’s pinned but it’s not showing up in my local feed somehow, maybe because the chat thread doesn’t have enough activity?

      • imaginelizardOPM
        11 year ago

        There’s two pin, one is mod pin, another is admin. Admin didn’t update their pin yet.

        • @dcxA
          11 year ago

          Better late than never!

        • @NaomikhoA
          11 year ago

          Oh, mb I didn’t know that DX

  • @password123
    11 year ago

    How would you correct someone who keep address your name wrong in email?

    This guy always address me as another person, already told him that, still keep repeating the same things. Kinda getting annoying now

    • @weecious
      31 year ago

      Tell them that moving forward, you won’t be responding to them until they use the correct name. Loop your superior in the email.

      • @password123
        21 year ago

        Funny thing’s they actually address me as my superior name, but actually not looping him in.

        • @weecious
          21 year ago

          Oh, even better. Just email them nicely to tell them they’ve sent it to the wrong person, and loop your superior in.

        • Tarlia
          21 year ago

          Forward it to your superior and cuci tangan.

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    1 year ago


    Really odd, both are original portrait but one has been cropped by a little bit so it appear in portrait. Maybe there’s limitation to the height?

    • @NaomikhoA
      21 year ago

      Interesting… thanks for the information! Please let me use your post as reference while opening the ticket Previously it seems like it could the auto orient issue, as the ansible-playbook is using asonix/pictrs:0.3.1 but Lemmy’s dependency for pict-rs is written as pict-rs = { version = “0.4.0-rc.3”, optional = true } :/ I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        1 year ago

        I hope i can understand what that line mean so i can help you further but alas, i’m just a car mechanic 😂

        But i have a feeling that it’s because of height limit, the top picture in portrait mode is 2250x4000 while the bottom one is 1080x1985. Maybe it exceed the height limit so it turn to portrait mode?

        Edit: Okay i tested using a picture with height = 3965 and it displayed portrait, so maybe the height limit is 4k?

        • @NaomikhoA
          11 year ago

          Ooh… good find! I think you’ll make a good tester lol 😝I never thought about finding the height limit, but yeah that’s a really good find. In quality assurance there’s a lot of boundary testing done and I guess they didn’t do that

          Now I can post the issue

          • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
            11 year ago

            Okay i’m not entirely sure if it’s the height issue now, i’ve transfer a picture taken from my camera and then open it up with graphic gale(editing software), the thing turn landscape :/

            • @NaomikhoA
              11 year ago

              huh… that’s weird. but at least the 4000px height rule applies from images on your mobile right?

              • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
                1 year ago

                Initially i thought so too because i simply resized it just a tiny bit to test the theory, thought it could be it but now i learned it might not be the case, and could be the camera app issue, some encoding of sort idk. Lets take this two pic for example:

                This is the original, unedited. It rotated

                This is the edited but without resize, it didn’t rotated

                Both image is same sized, both displayed in my phone gallery as portrait. So it could be…something. I haven’t tried using other camera app or another phone tho.

                edit: tried using pro cam x lite and it also get rotated :\

                • @NaomikhoA
                  11 year ago

                  it’s ok at least we have some progress!

                  Quoted fromDivephotoguide : defining Landscape vs. Portrait Orientation

                  Unless your images are cropped or captured as a square—i.e., equal dimensions on all sides—they belong to two categories of orientation: landscape or portrait. The length of the longest side determines the orientation. For example, if the height of the image is longer than the width, it is a “portrait” format. Images where the width is longer are called “landscape.”

                  I think it’s related to this? Damn it I never realized this despite studying multimedia in final year… (we did study image transformations)

        • @zen
          11 months ago

          deleted by creator

      • @zen
        11 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @NaomikhoA
          11 year ago

          Oh… that’ll probably be in the docker container log. I’m not sure if I can dig back that far… probably not :(

          Yep aarrrrrghhhh it’s at when the container is initialized. Too late T_T Maybe I can tell if I manage to start a separate instance, but I’m not sure if there’s enough hardware resources on my side to try. But I’ll open the ticket first regardless based on Crabby’s findings

      • @ruk_n_rul
        01 year ago

        first image feels like a bathroom implement featured in Whang! videos